Here are some questions I received lately about various paranormal topics, and my responses based on my experiences:
5) The other idea I wanted to run by was the notion of the personality of the deceased being only partial, not total. Do you have reason to think that the intelligences/entities involved in hauntings are total personalities, or that they are more like partial energies, perhaps smaller parts of a greater, multidimensional personality which has yet to fully recollect all aspects of its total personality?
A: There are two aspects to my answer: Intelligent and residual hauntings. First, all hauntings are total personalities. Ghosts have intelligence, knowledge and personality from their previous physical life (just as spirits do). Second, when that ghost was alive, they could have also impressed their living energy upon an object, making for a residual haunt that recurs only when additional energies are brought into the area to replay the residual haunting image.
6) Is it furthermore possible that the results of what we see as hauntings are actually a kind of electromagnetic fingerprint occurring when a now passed entity is simply remembering or recollecting what once happened to it?
A: Ghosts are really beings of energy (electromagnetic) with a consciousness. If they have chosen to dwell on earth, thus, I call a ghost, then they can interact and answer questions. It is residual emotional energy impressed upon an object on or an area that recurs (but doesn't have intelligence, it's like a thumbprint on glass when the sun shines through it and it reappears)>
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