I recently gave a talk to a group of kids from age 10 to 13 about ghosts and spirits, and how they communicate with the living. There were about 30 kids and they all paid attention - as it turned out, many of them had encounters with Earth-bound ghosts or spirits (who crossed into the light).
One boy named Dustin had a couple of encounters. When he entered the room I immediately sensed that he has the ability to communicate with those who have passed.
He told me that his grandfather loved dragonflies, and had many dragonfly things in his home. When his grandfather passed away, Dustin would visit his surviving grandmother, and a dragonfly would follow him around. He said that his grandmother felt the dragonfly was his grandfather. The dragonfly isn't necessarily his grandfather- but is influenced by his grandfather's spirit to come by and visit Dustin. Human souls come back as humans later on (insects are of a different level spirit).
Typically children can perceive spirits or ghosts and signs from them- that's because their logical minds have not yet developed to a point of an adult. Logical thinking blocks out signals from the dead, by trying to explain them in the physical world.
It was amazing to talk with the group of kids, and how many are attuned to the spirit world (and yes, most of them watch ghost hunting shows on TV).

Moved to www.robgutro.com /I am an author, paranormal investigator & medium with Inspired Ghost Tracking. I can receive messages from ghosts or spirits (who have crossed over). As a scientist, I explain the paranormal with energy. Known as a Pet Medium; but work with human ghosts and spirits, too. My books teach you how to recognize signs from spirits.* AWARD-WINNING - 2021,2022 and 2023 BookAuthority Best New Grief Ebook for Pets and the Afterlife 3
Rob's Books, Medium Readings, Animal Rescue Fundraisers
BOOKS: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife 3, Pets and the Afterlife 4, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium
Befriended a Spirit, Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Ghosts and Spirits Explained
BEST SELLERS: All of Rob's books have reached "best-seller" status on AMAZON.com in various paranormal categories. PET SPIRIT READINGS: Now offered via email and done on weekends. Reserve a spot thru Paypal. Email me at Rgutro@gmail.com Send 1 Photo of your pet, their name, and any questions.ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISING LECTURES : Rob is a dog dad, volunteers with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and does fundraising lectures for dog and cat rescues.
Monday, November 7, 2011
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We've had encounters with dragonflies since my dad passed away last year. The day after he passed away, my daughter and I were swimming in our pool when a big dragonfly started flying back and forth over the pool. It kept this up for over an hour.
ReplyDeleteLast month, I went to the cemetery where my dad and mom are buried. While I was standing at my father's grave, a dragonfly landed on my back. In all of my 50 years, I've never had a dragonfly land on me.
Then yesterday, at my son's wedding, a dragonfly landed on my son's back. Out of 17 people at the wedding, this dragonfly chose to land on the groom. On his wedding day. I'm pretty sure it was a sign from my dad to his grandson. :)
Hi Lisa- Thank you for sharing your story. Spirits always communicate on birthdays, anniversaries or holidays and special family events- so your mom and dad obviously wanted to let you know they were at their grandson's wedding. Have you seen any more dragonflies since that time whenever you have thought of your parents?
DeleteMy brother passed away four weeks ago today and we have had numerous dragonfly sitings since. A large orange,a green, a blue and black one have stayed around my Mom's yard continually. In addition, I went just up the road and a large black dragonfly kept circling my car. I thought I've never seen anything like this. I stretched out my arm and it sat on my palm just looking at me.The young man who took over my brother's job reports seeing them as well. I have found these sitings peaceful and I believe they are for my Mom as well. My brother told us he would find a way to send us a sign. I'm a believer.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your experiences! Spirits always find a way to communicate with us.
DeleteI have had a Beautiful Green Dragonfly with black dots on it's body around me since my 26 year old son died by his own hand. I know it was him cause I first started seeing them the same color in Pa. the day after he died and it was very cold in Pa. And now I had 1 here in Ms. while my friends and I were looking at my sons year book at Barnes& Nobles and it sat on the outside table the whole 3 hours we were there and then followed me into my truck. It is very cold here now in Ms. and he the (Dragonfly is outside my back door. I am a Believer!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your son. He found a way to let you know that he is okay from the afterlife. Have you seen any more dragonflies at times you're thinking of him?
DeleteMy husband's birthday would have been July 8, but he passed on April 4, 2016. I wanted to visit the cemetery that Sunday after his birthday, feeling drawn to do it with my recent loss. My sister-in-law accompanied me. We sat on the bench in front of the family plot and started speaking about our losses, life and suddenly a dragonfly passed by. In a little while more show up and then there was a swarm of them just flying around us but concentrating on my husband's and mother-in-law's graves (she passed 2 years ago). They didn't fly around any other graves, just those two and around us. We sat and talked for more than 1/2 hour and the dragonflies never left us. There is no body of water in the cemetery that they would have been drawn to, just us. I don't believe it was a coincidence. I believe it was a communication. The funny thing is that my husband never believed in such things.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story. Whenever insects like dragonflies behave oddly, they're likely being influenced by spirit as the ones you encountered were. I believe that your husband was telling you he's a believer now!
DeleteWhen I was 10 years old I was sleeping in my room, on the top bunk bed and I had an orb night light on my wall. One night I woke up and looked over and saw a shadow of a dragonfly, but I couldn't see it's body no matter which way I looked the shadow was on the right side of the orb on the wall. It ended up freaking me out and I called my dad into the room. He said that there was nothing. But a while i ago I asked him about it I'm almost 23 now. He said he saw it to but didn't want to scare me more than I already was.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story, Salin. It was very likely a spirit of one of your relatives just letting you know that they are around and watching out for you!