Rob's Books, Medium Readings, Animal Rescue Fundraisers

BOOKS: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife 3, Pets and the Afterlife 4, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit, Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Ghosts and Spirits Explained BEST SELLERS: All of Rob's books have reached "best-seller" status on in various paranormal categories. PET SPIRIT READINGS: Now offered via email and done on weekends. Reserve a spot thru Paypal. Email me at Send 1 Photo of your pet, their name, and any questions.ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISING LECTURES : Rob is a dog dad, volunteers with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and does fundraising lectures for dog and cat rescues.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Thurs. June 4 at 9:30pm LIVE INTERVIEW- Late Night in the Midlands

 Thursday, June 4 at 9:30pm EDT -Rob Returns on "Late Night in the Midlands radio Networka You Tube and radio talk show with Michael Vara to talk about IGT Cases, Ghosts of England and Kindred Spirits..
The show is broadcast to 110 countries and with around 1.5 million listeners each evening LISTEN:
People can listen live at , or click the chat &; listen page from our drop down menu tabs where player & chat is located.
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go to the Radio button on your itunes, click on the drop down for News/Talk and it's in the list (LNM Radio Network)
Archive can be found at

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Our dog Tyler Shows Love and Care for his Older Sister, Dolly

In my books "Pets and the Afterlife 1 and 2," I explain how, scientifically it has been proven that dogs have the same emotions as humans. Here's a good example.  
  Our black and tan Dachshund Tyler (10 yrs old) is such a good boy to his older sister Dolly (a 15 year old Weimaraner). Dolly sleeps in the kitchen because she is incontinent in #1&2. But she has difficulty getting to sleep, so Tyler sits with her every night until she gets sleepy. Then Tyler comes to his bed. Such a good, caring, loving boy.

In the news: The famous sobbing ghost of Langley Castle which inspired JK Rowling

Recently an article in the United Kingdom's Northern Echo newspaper published a story highlighting a castle and a ghost that inspired famous "Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling. Here's the story!
Langley Castle Hotel | Travelzoo

The famous sobbing ghost of Langley Castle which inspired JK Rowling  
By Chris Lloyd echochrislloyd Chief Features Writer, Northern Echo

Durham border near Haydon Bridge in Northumbria, is said to be the only fortified medieval castle hotel in England. Sadly, due to the lockdown, it is closed at the moment, but it’s only current resident has been in the headlines this week. She is the Grey Lady, one of the North-East’s most famous ghosts, who is regularly seen sobbing uncontrollably as she glides through the corridors towards a high window. She looks back with a tear-stained face, and then jumps and disappears…

The hotel makes much of its spooky occupant and has previously named her as Maud de Lucy, who was watching from the highest window for the return from battle of her husband, Sir Thomas. When she heard her brave knight would never be returning, she flung herself from the portal. However, genealogical research shows it can’t be Maud. She was actually Sir Thomas’ daughter, born in 1350.

It is true that her first husband, Sir Gilbert de Umfraville, died in battle – at Neville’s Cross near Durham in 1381 – but she was not so distraught as to take her own life.

In fact, she remarried and lived happily with her second husband until her natural death at St Bees in Cumbria in 1398. The ghost cannot be Sir Thomas’ first wife, Margaret, as she died before 1350 when he built the castle – he constructed it using the proceeds from his fighting in France with King Edward III as a bastion against the Scots.

 Therefore could it be his second wife, Agnes de Beaumont? No one knows how or where she died, so she is in the frame – but Sir Thomas himself died in 1365 without being killed in battle, so she didn’t fling herself from a window on his behalf.

And so the mystery of the ghostly Grey Lady gained valuable column inches for hotel in last weekend’s Sunday Times, which noted that the weepy spectre was so famous that it had inspired JK Rowling to create Moaning Myrtle and Grey Lady which both haunt Hogwart’s.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Q&A with Rob: How can we be sure a Medium isn't reading a person's mind to give "signs"?

Here's a fascinating question from a woman named Laura who read my "Pets and the Afterlife" book - inquiring if all "spirit messages" are just mediums reading people's minds. It's not, and here's why.

COMMENT/QUESTION: After reading Pets and the Afterlife I am left wondering how Rob Gutro so easily believes that anytime a psychic hits on some accurate information about a deceased pet that it is proof that the animal is communicating from the other side? And not just that the psychic is reading the mind of the owner? I'm waiting for a deceased animal to impart some information that the owner doesn't know but which can later be verified! Then I can be convinced of what I so desperately want to believe! Laura.

ANSWER: That's a great question. Laura's question would also then suggest that mediums are all just mind readers, including those mediums who communicate with people (I have communicated with both. So, there are a lot of things to explain here.

First, there's a difference between a psychic and a medium and a mind reader. 
A psychic connects with energies of past, present and future. They can't read minds.

A medium, of which I am one - and I am NOT a psychic, only can receive messages from people or pets who have passed on.

Mind reading is an entirely different gift.

Second, mind readers read minds of people they are near. They don't do it from afar because they need that personal energy connection. As such, the readings I give people are always done remotely  by email. I don't have any physical closeness to the person, don't know anything about them, their lives, their homes, their lifestyle or their pets.

Third, like people in spirit, pets in spirit convey things that ONLY their pet parents would know. That's how they prove their identity.  Sometimes spirits they share pain of death with me.

In many cases of readings I've done, the pet parent didn't know exactly what their pet was suffering from, or how they passed, but their pet conveyed that- as in a story in my Pets in the Afterlife 2 book, where a dog named Clancy showed me he was eating plants that proved toxic to him.
   When I emailed the mom and told her, she confirmed that Clancy loved to nibble on plants in the backyard, and she found several toxic plants in her yard from the SPCA list of toxic plants that I gave her. That said, if I were a mind reader, how could I provide an answer to a pet's death that only the pet knew, and the pet parent didn't know, but ultimately understood?  I couldn't.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Short VideoTour of Sudeley Castle's Gardens - from my book 'Ghosts of England"

In my book Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation by Rob Gutro, I toured the famous Sudeley Castle and talked about the ghost that haunts the castle. Also impressive about Sudeley were the magnificent gardens that surrounded it. So, in this short video, I'll take you on a tour of them!

You can read about the Ghost at Sudeley Castle in Chapter 19 of the book. Sudeley Castle was the estate of Queen Katherine Parr, the last surviving wife of Henry VIII. There is one reputed ghost who haunts the castle, and there's a very strange story about her burial that would explain why she's not at peace. It's all in my book "Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation.

ABOUT "GHOSTS OF ENGLAND ON A MEDIUM'S VACATION by Rob Gutro: What happens when a medium goes on vacation? Can a medium simply switch off their ability at will? Well…not exactly. Rob Gutro is a medium/author/paranormal investigator and a scientist who has written 7 books about his encounters with human and animal ghosts and spirits. In this book, you will read about his experiences on two separate trips to the United Kingdom. England’s rich history and many epic battles have caused an over-abundance of residual emotional energy. Everywhere he traveled, he had a paranormal experience.\
      He explored royal palaces and spent the night in haunted castles. He encountered the ghosts of historical figures including a queen, a prince, and a nobleman; and several ghosts even shared their pain of death experience with him. On one occasion, the doppelganger of a loved one provided directions when he became lost while driving in the countryside due to a malfunctioning GPS. But not all of his encounters were of the human variety: there was also a very special visit from a canine ghost.
    This book is intended to be more than just a collection of personal ghost stories. In addition to relating my ghostly encounters, he has also included a short narrative history of the places where the experiences occurred. After all, knowing the history of a place is key to understanding why a ghost has decided to stay behind. So, join Rob as he relates his encounters with the ghosts of England.
Rob has written 7 other books about the paranormal, two about people (Ghosts and Spirits and Lessons Learned From Talking to the Dead) and 2 about pets (Pets and the Afterlife and Pets and the Afterlife 2), Kindred Spirits and Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking.  The books are available in paperback and e-book on

Saturday, May 30, 2020

In the News Quarantined with Tampa Bay’s ghosts? Some wonder if they are stuck in haunted houses.

The following article appeared in the Tampa Bay Times... how many people find out their houses are haunted during this COVID19 virus quarantine? This article highlights one of those people!

 Quarantined with Tampa Bay’s ghosts? Some wonder if they are stuck in haunted houses. 
Tampa Bay News May 15, 2020 

With more people home, there are new bumps in the night and day. Some already suspected ghosts and are now isolated with them.

Photo:  In 1933 Victor Licata murdered his family with an ax in the home where Schleicher now lives, located at 1707 E 5th Avenue in the Ybor City neighborhood in Tampa, Florida. [OCTAVIO JONES | Special to the Times] 

In 1933 Victor Licata murdered his family with an ax in the home where Schleicher now lives, located at 1707 E 5th Avenue in the Ybor City neighborhood in Tampa, Florida. [OCTAVIO JONES | Special to the Times] Kurt Schleicher talks about finding possible axe cuts in the window frame at his home in Ybor City.

By Paul Guzzo Published Apr. 30 Updated May 1 TAMPA —

Kurt Schleicher lives in one of the Tampa Bay area’s most infamous murder houses.

 In 1933, Victor Licata slaughtered his parents and three siblings with an ax inside his Ybor City home.

 Today, a chill passes through the bathroom that was once the bedroom where two of the children were killed, Schleicher said. He hears knocking noises throughout the house and his dog barks at the bedroom where the mother and another child were murdered. “I’ve always thought the house is haunted,” Schleicher said. “I think about it more now because I am here all the time. There is no place to go. There is no place to hide." He is not alone in wondering if something otherworldly is happening at his house.  Kurt Schleicher talks about finding possible axe cuts in the window frame at his home in Ybor City.

In 1933 Victor Licata murdered his family with an axe in the home where Schleicher now lives.

Others self-isolating wonder if they have uninvited company from the afterlife. Are they quarantined with ghosts? “I expect an uptick in people who notice they might have spirits,” said Lakeland’s Miki Strange — her real last name — a paranormal investigator with Tampa Bay Spirits.

 “Normally we’re all in such a rush to get homework done, dinner done and to bed at a decent time that we don’t have the time to be quiet and pay attention.” Now, she said, most people are home nearly all day. “They start hearing things or seeing stuff they didn’t notice before,” Strange said. “They question what it could be and because they can’t get away from it and go to work it bothers them more and more." Still, her team of investigators first look for physical explanations of odd occurrences. “Rodent problems, an issue with electricity,” she said. “We try to rule out everything with a normal explanation.”

Friday, May 29, 2020

Quincy Sun Newspaper- Article on my new book "Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking"

 It's always great to get your book in a newspaper, on social media or television, and it's especially meaningful  when it's your hometown. This week, one of my hometown newspapers, The Quincy Sun, published as story about my latest book "Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking." I'm very thankful to the publisher of the Sun. 

About the Quincy Sun (Mass.): The Quincy Sun, founded by the late Henry W. Bosworth, Jr., has been Historic Quincy’s Hometown Weekly Newspaper since September, 1968. It is published on Thursdays, 52 weeks a year. 

When earth bound ghosts have traumatized families in their own homes, Inspired Ghost Tracking (IGT) of Maryland has gone in to cross them over. In this collection of IGT cases, you’ll read about a very haunted Maryland mansion, many ghosts of Baltimore’s Federal Hill, the Burned Ghost, ghosts of two different time periods in one building, the dark things Ouija boards brought into homes, a ghostly attachment, a Steelworker’s ghost, poltergeist activity, the famous IGT “Double Murder Ghost Investigation” and many more. You’ll also learn about ghosts vs. spirits, energy and lots of Q and A. So, come along with us on these IGT investigations and learn that the paranormal is quite active!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Fear of Ghosts and Others? Take a Quiz On 13 Phobias

Phasmophobia is an intense fear of ghosts. In the next blog, I'll re-present an article about
Phasmophobia. But in today's blog, Dictionary dot com put together a 13 question quiz to see if you know these phobias. Take the quiz!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Video: Feeling of Dread in the Tower Of London from my book 'Ghosts of England"

In my book Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation by Rob Gutro, I toured the famous "Tower of London," and ran into quite a few GHOSTS, and a portal, or energy doorway used by ghosts., In this particular video, I had just come out of St. Peter's Church and it was quite unsettling with the residual emotional energy within. That's because of the horror people learned in that church. It's all in my book "Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation. "

ABOUT THE TOWER OF LONDON-  When William the Conqueror built a mighty stone tower at the centre of his London fortress in the 1070s, defeated Londoners must have looked on in awe. Now nearly 1000 years later, the Tower still has the capacity to fascinate and horrify.
  As protector of the Crown Jewels, home of the Yeomen Warders and its legendary guardians, the pampered ravens, the Tower now attracts over three million visitors a year. Here, the Ceremony of the Keys and other traditions live on, as do the ghost stories and terrible tales of torture and execution.
   But the Tower also has a richer and more complex history, having been home to a wide array of institutions including the Royal Mint, the Royal Armouries and even a zoo.


ABOUT "GHOSTS OF ENGLAND ON A MEDIUM'S VACATION by Rob Gutro: What happens when a medium goes on vacation? Can a medium simply switch off their ability at will? Well…not exactly. Rob Gutro is a medium/author/paranormal investigator and a scientist who has written 7 books about his encounters with human and animal ghosts and spirits. In this book, you will read about his experiences on two separate trips to the United Kingdom. England’s rich history and many epic battles have caused an over-abundance of residual emotional energy. Everywhere he traveled, he had a paranormal experience.\
      He explored royal palaces and spent the night in haunted castles. He encountered the ghosts of historical figures including a queen, a prince, and a nobleman; and several ghosts even shared their pain of death experience with him. On one occasion, the doppelganger of a loved one provided directions when he became lost while driving in the countryside due to a malfunctioning GPS. But not all of his encounters were of the human variety: there was also a very special visit from a canine ghost.
    This book is intended to be more than just a collection of personal ghost stories. In addition to relating my ghostly encounters, he has also included a short narrative history of the places where the experiences occurred. After all, knowing the history of a place is key to understanding why a ghost has decided to stay behind. So, join Rob as he relates his encounters with the ghosts of England.
Rob has written 7 other books about the paranormal, two about people (Ghosts and Spirits and Lessons Learned From Talking to the Dead) and 2 about pets (Pets and the Afterlife and Pets and the Afterlife 2), Kindred Spirits and Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking.  The books are available in paperback and e-book on

Monday, May 25, 2020

Paranormal Q&A: Sensitivity to Spirits and Ghosts

Many people are sensitive to spirit and some don't acknowledge it. Sometimes, being sensitive to spirits or energy (even emotional energy) can strongly affect people. For example, if you're around someone who is a negative person and you're sensitive, after you leave them, you may feel physically and mentally exhausted. That's an example of what energy does to a sensitive person.
  The following email came to me from someone who is sensitive and may also be experiencing a haunting. If you believe you are experiencing a haunting, please contact your local paranormal group (search in Google under "Paranormal group" and enter your city and state). Hauntings that are adversely affecting living people need to be managed and cleared.

Hello  A friend told me to search the Internet about sensitive people and I found your website. 
   I see dark and white shadow people, dream and feel things. I have had a lot of things occur in my apartment that are disconcerting. For example I have awoke to find curry powder, ice cubes or spoons on my floor. 
  Recently there has been a dark figure hanging from my 8 foot high ceiling fan, but disappears as I fully enter the room. 
   I've experienced things since my father and grandfather has died at age 5. I saw them during the day and night. I felt like they tried to drag me back to their grave, awoken with bruises and I started to sleep walk. My mum took me to a children's hospital and they gave me dream suppressors. That is what was told to me. They helped until I turned 12.

  You have high sensitivity, and are likely a very emotional person. Your father and grandfather's spirits were not likely trying to hurt you, but trying to protect you. Your nightmares were likely from a fear of death at a young age. I had similar scary dreams after my relatives passed. I kept dreaming of graves. But remember that dreams are a way that spirits (not Earth bound ghosts) can give us messages. 
    More importantly, there may be a ghost in your home and it sounds like it needs to be cleared out and crossed over. Contact a local paranormal investigation group and have them do an investigation- tell them you believe you have a ghost in the home and need it to be cleared. 
   Paranormal groups should not charge for services- if one does, go to another. 
- It seems as if you need to purge your apartment of any earth-bound ghosts.  
*NOTE: I did a previous blog about sensitive people: 

FOR MORE Q&A ABOUT GHOSTS AND SPIRITS - check out my book "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead" by Rob Gutro. I wrote the book to address many questions about the paranormal.