WHAT IS GUILD HALL? "It was here the ruling merchant class held court, fine-tuning the laws and regulations that established London's wealth. Built between 1411 and 1440, Guildhall was designed to reflect the power and prestige of London and its leaders," noted the website for Guildhall UK. "The stage for state trials and remonstrances to kings, Guildhall has played a key part in London's dramatic history. Peers, an archbishop and a queen were tried for treason during the Reformation and, as the Great Fire swept through London in September 1666, destroying seven-eighths of the medieval City, Guildhall stood a "fearfull spectacle... as if it had been a Pallace of gold or a great building of burnished brass."
Here's a great video introduction to Guild Hall produced by MonumentalAdventure video (published in 2008):
Since 1411 this impressive building has been the centre of city governance. Great halls decked with magnificent statues, and a tranquil crypt that mustn't be missed.
Video: https://youtu.be/8QMG16Kkesg
Ghosts of England: On a Medium's Vacation: By Rob Gutro |
Guild Hall. Credit: Britain Express |
convey scents to let us know they're around. It could be a floral scent, perfume, baked goods, or anything you would connect to them.