Dali the Lhasa Apso |
Following is a wonderful email I received from a woman named Dorothy, who shared experiences of how her beloved Lhasa Apso, Dali gave her signs that she was still with her mom.
Spirits of dogs and cats, like people, have the ability to leads us to
things in nature to show us that they're around us. Dali led her mom to
see the rainbow, and manipulated the one wind chime to send a message
that she's still around Dorothy from time to time. Spirits also can use
things in nature like birds, butterflies, feathers, flowers,
dragonflies, etc. to send us messages of their presence. They can also move things as you'll read about below, regarding to a windchime.
Dorothy has given me permission to share her experiences and provided a great photo of Dali, so that Dali's messages and memory will live on, and comfort others - to help them know that their pets are also with them from time to time. - Rob
Dear Rob -
I just finished reading your book and it gave me a lot of
comfort to know my pet is still here. I lost my Lhasa Apso (12 1/2) on
Sept 27, 2014. I am older and she is my whole life, my soulmate, my best
friend. She got sick quickly and went to the vet on a Friday (who said
she would be fine, gave prescription) and she died the next morning very
quickly and unexpectedly. I am devastated.
The next morning I was trying to cope and went
outside the front door and a beautiful rainbow was there. It had not been
raining, but the rainbow was gorgeous and directly over my house. I cried
and cried and immediately went inside and googled "rainbows." I
was directed to the Rainbows Bridge website (had never heard of it) and it
became my outlet over the last month. I related the rainbow story and
someone suggested your book. I immediately ordered it and read it, great
I know the rainbow was a gift from my Dali. A few
days later one of my windchimes sang when I was outside. NO wind and only
one of them. I looked up and felt my Dali. I have never been one to
believe in all of these things, but I know now they are real.
Dali sent a rainbow |
Gives me great comfort to know I will again be with my
beloved Dali. Two weeks ago we had a tornado in town. I was with a
group of people who were "herded" to a safer place inside a
store. Everyone was upset, very worried, on cells, etc. For some
reason I was extremely calm, more so than ever before. I knew I would be
okay, Dali was there. Or maybe it was time to go to where she was?
I will never fear death now and look forward to the light. All of this
has changed me totally into a different person. I see the good
now....thank you Dali.
And I just wanted to thank you for your book, it helped
me more than you know.
God Bless
To learn about how Pets communicate from the other side, check out my book: PETS AND THE AFTERLIFE by Rob Gutro: The
loss of a pet is like the loss of a child to pet owners. The love we
share with our pets never dies, and in a new book called "Pets and the
Afterlife" by Rob Gutro, the author provides proof that our pets do
communicate with us from the other side. Available in paperback and E-book, on Amazon.com and other outlets at: To order paperback of Kindle- click here
To Learn more on how Ghosts and Spirits and how they communicate with us, check out Rob Gutro's 2nd book: Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead $8.99 paperback and $2.99 E-book on AMAZON: http://tinyurl.com/q3bhgde