Barb Mallon |
My friend and mentor Medium Barb Mallon wrote a great column in her most recent newsletter about repetitive numbers, and I wanted to share it with you this week. If you're looking for a reading, please contact Barb. She's amazing! -Rob
I've had SO many clients ask me about those same series of numbers they see frequently and what they mean. I incorporate numerology in most aspects of my life, from my home or office address, license plates, times on the clock, etc.
It's easy when you think of 0 or 1 as the beginning of a new journey
and 9 being at the end of a journey. I do
believe that it's not only a message from the angelic realm, but also
guides and loved ones on the other side. :) Enjoy!
Barb Mallon
www.BarbMallon.com /
office@barbmallon.com / (o) 703.474.2227
I tend to interpret the numbers in this way:
a doubled number is a more spiritual suggestion, and triple and
quadruple is a "what are you waiting for?" or pay close attention - even
more spiritual. I tend to pay attention to the combo numbers as well,
such as 11:44. This would me for me to get started on that new project,
but keep it organized!
1 - a new
beginning 11... a spiritual new beginning and 111 and 1111, pay
attention! Get off your butt and get started on what it is you want!
2 - need for balance, partnership, teamwork, harmony.
3 - expansion, evolving, building, incorporating new ideas, growing, fertile.
4 - square things up, organize, keep it together, stick to the rules, save money.
5 - chaos, a little craziness, tone it down, simplify, breathe.
- too much material, addictions, possessions, a need for more faith and
spirituality. Balance your lower self and higher self.
7 - remember to have faith, spirituality, this too shall pass, you're starting to "get it."
- infinity, what you're putting out is going to come back in the way
you put it out, so careful with your thoughts! Unconditional love,
close to harvesting time.
9 - ending of a journey, wrap everything up and keep moving forward. A new beginning soon!
10 = 1 - new journey, new beginning.
Barb and Rob together at a conference |
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