Rob's Books, Medium Readings, Animal Rescue Fundraisers

BOOKS: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife 3, Pets and the Afterlife 4, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit, Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Ghosts and Spirits Explained BEST SELLERS: All of Rob's books have reached "best-seller" status on in various paranormal categories. PET SPIRIT READINGS: Now offered via email and done on weekends. Reserve a spot thru Paypal. Email me at Send 1 Photo of your pet, their name, and any questions.ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISING LECTURES : Rob is a dog dad, volunteers with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and does fundraising lectures for dog and cat rescues.

Friday, July 19, 2019

My NEW BOOK Coming in Days: Kindred Spirits: When a Medium Befriends a Spirit

I am so excited about the publication of my latest book and it's coming out in a day or two. 
It's about how a spirit has connected with me so much over the last 14 years that he's become like a best friend.  Here's the Interesting part: I never met him in life!  He died in 1996. 
 - It will be available on for just $6.99 paperback and $3.49 Kindle...   
Watch for the Publish Date!! - Rob Gutro

Kindred Spirits: When a Medium Befriends a Spirit 


It's uncommon for a medium really get know a spirit so well that the living person considers the spirit a best friend. But that's exactly what happened to medium and paranormal investigator Rob Gutro. When Rob met his partner Tom in 2005, Ed's spirit came along for the ride. Rob never knew Ed in life, but Tom did. Now, Ed often communicates to Rob and has revealed his sense of humor, his heart, and helped solved the mystery of his passing. Ed's "Spirit Treasure Hunt" showed his family he's with them, too. Ed even sent a look-alike to rescue Rob during a vacation in England. As you read about this special spirit named Ed and his sometimes funny communications, you'll learn signs your loved ones send. This book will teach you how to be more aware of messages from your loved ones in spirit.

"Being a friend with Ed in spirit is like having a friend who lives in another state" - Author Rob Gutro describing his relationship with Ed's spirit.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Meaningful Number from a Dog's Spirit

Sometimes, spirit will give me numbers that either signify a time, date or other thing that is intensely personal to them or the person getting the reading. In one reading I gave, Patricia's dog was particularly adamant about sharing the number 723. The meaning became clear.

Patricia Maddaluna Gasparro said:  Rob gave me the number from my dog 723. After I thought about it and checked with my veterinarian office July 23 was the date that my dog was diagnosed with cancer. Of course I’m still looking everywhere for that number just in case there are other things too! Rob is amazing!

So, how do dogs and cats convey numbers?  They hear us talk about the numbers , and can relay them back to us. Whether we say a number as a date of an event, a birthday, anniversary, holiday or something connected to them. They basically repeat the numbers, as a way to prove their identity.

For more ways about how pets communicate from the afterlife, read Rob Gutro's books "Pets and the Afterlife" and "Pets and the Afterlife 2" available on in Paperback (under $10) and E-book (under $3.99).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tarot Tuesday: Seven of Swords

Every Tuesday, my friend Joy Andreason provides "Tarot Tuesday" to give you some insight into tarot cards. Today's card is the Seven of Swords

Joy says: Is someone not being forthcoming? Perhaps you are hiding a truth from someone else or yourself? With yesterday's and today's card right next to each other, it seems like there needs to be a heart to heart with someone. Stop lying to yourself or others.

The Seven of Swords shows a man sneaking away from a military camp with five swords in his arms. He looks over his shoulder at the two upright swords he has left behind. The smile on his face suggests that he is proud of himself for having slipped away without being noticed. 
UPRIGHT: Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically 
REVERSED: Imposter syndrome, self-deceit, keeping secrets Seven of Swords Description 

BIOGRAPHY: Joy Andreasen is an author, shamanic practitioner, psychic medium, spiritual consultant, Reiki Master Teacher and wedding officiant. She has been giving messages from Spirit for almost twenty years. She teaches spiritual development and shamanic classes in Winchester and Herndon Virginia which are always highly acclaimed. 

For more about Joy Andreasen, visit: 

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Review I Like: from Amazon about "Pets and the Afterlife"

Here's the latest review of my book Pets and the Afterlife, from a pet parent. The review was posted on on July 1. I'm always glad to hear that people have found answers and comfort.

1. New! VegasAgent reviewed Pets and the Afterlife
Offers comfort that couldn't be found elsewhere 
 July 1, 2019
My Pomeranian passed away at the beginning of May, after 16 1/2 years together. She had been ill, but was doing better, and then one day, her health did a 180 from the night before. I had to make the most horrific decision a pet parent ever has to make. I cannot describe the pain, and emptiness that followed. I found myself doubting my choice, and questioning what she must have thought of me. Did she think I just gave up on her? Did she think I didn't love her enough, and that after all the love she showed me, my thanks was to have her life taken from her? I found myself starting to panic and question things I never really gave much thought to before; Will I really get to be with her again? How do we know they will be waiting for us? I was inconsolable, and I have never wailed the way I did in the week following her passing. Truth be told, I still have not gone one day without crying over her.

The day after she died, my mom gave me Rob's name, and told me how a few of her friends had met him and experienced his gift. I immediately found this book, and downloaded it. It was very difficult to get through more than a few pages at a time, because I just couldn't control the tears. However, the further I got, the more comfort and peace I started to feel.
I also found a podcast on his website, which was also extremely insightful and offered relief to all the questions that were plaguing me. He has a sincerity in his tone, and his writing sounds more like a friend explaining things to you, than just reading a random book.

A month after my baby was set free (almost to the day), my mother suffered the same loss with her elderly dog. Like me, she values her animals and her bond with them over people, so I know she was experiencing the same soul-crushing agony that I was. My mom doesn't have digital books, so I immediately ordered the paperback and had it sent to her, as I know it will help bring some comfort.

Overall, I would highly recommend this book to anyone who finds themselves in a whirlwind of questions and painful emotions. Thanks to this book, I was able to take solace in the fact that my questions, fears, doubts, and guilt, are shared by many pet parents. I don't know if I will ever feel certain that I made the right choice; there are always so many variables and what-if's, but I now know that I am not alone in those thoughts, and I have hope that she will sometimes be near, and that one day, I will have the joy of being reunited with her.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

PODCAST: Rob's interview on Beyond Reality Radio!

Missed This week's interview?   LISTEN Here! 
Beyond Reality Radio is heard on Radio Stations around the U.S.A. and host JV Johnson talke with two guests. First (for 30 minutes) Hillary Raimo discusses her life in various forms of media & how alternative media is shaping the landscape as outlined in her book. Then for 90 minutes, Rob Gutro discusses afterlife communication with pets, as he has explored in his book. 7/11/2019 : 


Saturday, July 13, 2019

Last Night's Public Ghost Tour of Belmont Manor

Randy and Margaret do introductions
Last night 5 members of the Inspired Ghost Tracking or IGT group of Maryland, myself included,
gave a public tour of the Belmont Historic Mansion in Elkridge, Maryland. There were 33 people who signed up and showed up to meet the ghosts of this historic mansion.
The Belmont Manor
   IGT conducted our first investigation of the Belmont in 2015 when it re-opened as an event facility. The property dates back to 1732, and the house had occupants who endured their own tragedies. In fact, some of them never left and remain as Earthbound ghosts. There are a couple of others who linger in the home that were not family members, however, and were just at one time, visitors. 
   Margaret, the founder split the groups into three sections. Margaret and Diane covered one side of the first floor, Randy and Ronda covered the other side and I (Rob) was on the second floor. 
Ronda of IGT at the start of the night
  The "General" as I call him, is a ghost who helped plan the Iraq war of 1991 there at the Belmont (yes, it was planned there) and came back to haunt one room because he regrets the war (planned on bad intel as we all know now). He causes a LOT of people headaches, pressure and discomfort in one of the rooms and he was acting up last night giving me a big headache!

The "General's" Hallway

Rob's sketch of ballroom ghost
  There were three people in the groups who were sensitive to ghosts and spirits and each had different gifts. One was psychic, one was a medium and the other read energy.

  If you're interested in attending a tour of the Belmont and meeting the many (and there are many) ghosts who still dwell there, . Here's the info: It's the Belmont Manor Ghost Tour, at the Belmont Manor and Historic Park, 6555 Belmont Woods Road, Elkridge, MD Info: or 410-313-0200.
   We give these public tours about twice a year! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

TONIGHT Rob Returns as a Guest on Beyond Reality Radio at 12:15am EDT

Rob Returns as a Guest on Beyond Reality Radio tonight at 12:15am EDT
The show was  created by Jason Hawes of Syfy channels Ghost Hunters. Hosted by Jason Hawes and JV Johnson
  Rob joins Jason and JV to talk about Pets and the Afterlife tonight after Midnight!

 Pets and the Afterlife and Pets and the Afterlife 2 are available in paperback and E-book on (under $10)

A New Cover for Pets and the Afterlife 2!

The Pets and the Afterlife 2 book by Rob Gutro now has a brand new cover! 
  The original cover was a painting of a dog and cat looking into the light. The new cover reflects various pets who have provided messages from the afterlife and gives the book a fresh, new look. 
  it's available on in paperback ($9,99) and E-book ($2.99) and I am humbled and honored by the reviews it has received. I'm glad it has provided comfort and understanding to people who have lost pets. 
  My deepest gratitude to Lisa of "Covers by Lisa" on Facebook, for creating this beautiful cover. 
  Let me know what you think of the new cover! 
- Rob Gutro

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Tarot Tuesday: The Tower

Every Tuesday, my friend Joy Andreason provides "Tarot Tuesday" to give you some insight into tarot cards. Today's card is the Tower!

Joy says: Needless to say, someone may have a bad day today. You may learn a truth that upsets the world you live in. With seven planets retrograde it is no surprise to me that some people's lives may experience some chaos. Take a breath and thank the Divine for guiding you through.

BIOGRAPHY: Joy Andreasen is an author, shamanic practitioner, psychic medium, spiritual consultant, Reiki Master Teacher and wedding officiant. She has been giving messages from Spirit for almost twenty years. She teaches spiritual development and shamanic classes in Winchester and Herndon Virginia which are always highly acclaimed. 

For more about Joy Andreasen, visit: 