There's a life-size replica of Stonehenge in Centreville made out of foam.
It's at Cox Farms, and it's open 11-3 until late August.
What is it? Foamhenge is a full-size replica of Stonehenge made entirely of styrofoam. It was originally created by artist Mark Cline of Enchanted Castle Studio in 2004, and until 2016, it stood in Natural Bridge, VA.It's at Cox Farms, and it's open 11-3 until late August.
NOTE: Foamhenge is located on private property and can only be accessed during certain seasons and hours. During the fall, Foamhenge is included with admission for Fall Festival and Fields of Fear visitors and can be accessed during regular hours of operation. Foamhenge is entirely closed to visitors January-March. Foamhenge will be open very limited hours during our Spring, Summer, and Winter seasons; access will be via shuttle from the Corner Market during the hours specified.
For Spring & Summer 2018 (April 27-August 26), you will be able to visit Foamhenge 11 AM-3 PM on Saturdays during our weekly "Smokin' Saturdays"event.
Cox Farms