Rob's Books, Medium Readings, Animal Rescue Fundraisers

BOOKS: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife 3, Pets and the Afterlife 4, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit, Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Ghosts and Spirits Explained BEST SELLERS: All of Rob's books have reached "best-seller" status on in various paranormal categories. PET SPIRIT READINGS: Now offered via email and done on weekends. Reserve a spot thru Paypal. Email me at Send 1 Photo of your pet, their name, and any questions.ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISING LECTURES : Rob is a dog dad, volunteers with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and does fundraising lectures for dog and cat rescues.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

An Email About a Cat's Spirit and Questions

   Cats and dogs will come back in spirit from time to time to visit us and let us know that they're

connected to us from the afterlife. They'll also be waiting for us there when it's our time. Recently, I received an email about a cat spirit that I thought I would share to help answer some questions you may have.

      We recently moved to a new house. We are only the 3rd owners and after some research I don't believe there to be any deaths in the house. However, a few weeks ago I was awakened by what felt like an extremely light touch on top of my comforter while I was sleeping. I didn't think much of it until this past Saturday when I was awakened by the same sensation. I experienced it again the following night.
     I tried to explain to my husband that it felt like a cat gently pawing or stepping on the comforter. But he quickly dismissed my thought and said it may have been the knitted blanket at the foot of the bed shifting (which it could've been). However, I immediately remembered that I still have the ashes of a beloved cat of mine who died a year ago that we keep in our bedroom. Could this be her????? 
  If so, I would like to know what I can do to have her move on. Should I bury her ashes? 
   I loved my cat but I don't want to welcome any spirits into the house. Please help!

     Thank you for sharing your experience. Love is positive emotional energy that binds us together with those we love,whether pet or person. Yes, your feeling was very likely your cat that passed. Cats usually provide touch as a means of communicating they are visiting us. 
   She's crossed over, so no need to worry. Whenever a pet passes, our human relatives are usually on the other side to welcome them across. She will only be there from time to time.  
    As for any other human visitors in spirit - if you believe you have an Earth-bound ghost in your home tell them to move on. Explain that it is your home, and belongs to you and your family now. If it is a spirit, like that of a relative or friend who passed, they're likely just visiting.
   Keep in mind that pets, like people on the other side give us messages on special dates- like birthdays, anniversaries (such as adoption or passing dates). So, be mindful of the date your experience happens and that could give you a clue as to who is trying to let you know they love you.
   For more about pets and the afterlife, check out my book on (Kindle or paperback): "Pets and the Afterlife" by Rob Gutro
Lessons Learned, Ghosts and Spirits
For Rob Gutro's books: "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead," "Pets and the Afterlife" and the new book "Pets and the Afterlife 2" -  visit   (or click this link) 
Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife

Friday, February 19, 2016

Watch on You Tube! - Last night's Demons, Ghosts, Poltergeist and Paranormal Dark Activity

Watch on You Tube! -(from last night):  Rob Gutro, Author, Medium, Paranormal Investigator,  returns to Noreen Balovich's "Do You Believe" on Paranormal Zone TV to talk about the Poltergeists, Demons and Near Death Experiences. (Note the interview is 2 hours long and covers a LOT of territory!)


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Tonight at 9pm Live! My interview on Do You Believe" on Paranormal Zone TV! - Poltergeists, demons, NDEs

Host Norene Balovich
Tonight Live! - Thursday, February 18 at 9 p.m. EDT
 - Rob Gutro, Author, Medium, Paranormal Investigator,  returns to Noreen Balovich's "Do You Believe" on Paranormal Zone TV to talk about the Poltergeists, Demons and Near Death Experiences.

Rob Gutro, Author, Paranormal Investigator

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Fun Event: Signs from Departed Loved Ones" talk

Last night, on Feb. 16 from 7  to 9 pm I joined some of my friends from Inspired Ghost Tracking (IGT) and gave the talk "Signs from Departed Loved Ones." The class was one (of several) offered at the Belmont Manor & Historic Park in Elkridge, MD . The room was packed. Many in the audience had their own experiences and could relate to getting musical signs. Some even had visual encounters with an Earth-bound ghost or a spirit. 
  Margaret, the founder of IGT shared musical messages that she received from her brother in spirit. Ronda, a lead investigator shared signs of a penny and small angel keepsake that mysteriously appeared as signs from her mom. Troy another medium at IGT talked about his experiences on a recent investigation where he crossed a female ghost over. Greg, the lead tech manager for IGT shared a personal story about a sign from his grandmother. I provided a number of stories that helped convey the different ways that spirits send signs to us, and explained how grief blocks signs from spirit.
 There were a lot of great questions, too. If you want to know more, you can read about the way ghosts and spirits communicate in my book "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead" by Rob Gutro. Available on
SUMMARY: For anyone who ever lost someone and wants to understand what happens after death and how to recognize communications from spirits of loved ones. Learn what blocks messages and hear true encounters from others. By the end of the talk, you'll know what to look for.

This 90 minute class is offered to the public (registration required) hosted by Inspired Ghost Tracking. **It may be offered again since it was so popular.**

For upcoming Inspired Ghost Tracking classes at the Mansion, contact at Belmont Manor: Cathy Allen at or Mary Ellen Baker, General Manager, at or 410-313-4632.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Coins are signs from Spirits! - Ronda's story

One of the easiest ways for spirits to leave messages is by dropping coins.  Because coins are light, it doesn't take much energy for a spirit to move them.
  How do they give a clue through a coin?  The Year on the coin!  The year on the coin will in some way be associated with the spirit or you.
 Spirits choose the right coins, because they look for the ones that have clues to their identities.

Yesterday I went to a doctor's appointment. After the appointment my husband decided that he wanted something from McDonalds. So, we went to the restaurant and as I was looking in my change to pay for it, there was  - a wheat back penny. Since it was an old coin (wheat backs aren't minted anymore) I set it aside and picked another one. That turned out to be significant.
   When I went back to look at the date on the penny it said "1952" which was the year I was born. 
Just the day before I had asked for a sign from my mom to let me know she was around. 
  That confirmed that she is! 
Pretty cool!
To learn more about signs that spirits send us, check out my book "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead."

* Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead for $8.99 paperback and $2.99 E-book on AMAZON: to Purchase from the CreateSpace eStore:
Follow Rob on a treasure-hunt-style journey in Virginia as he and others try to explain what appear to be random and obscure words, signs and symbols from a spirit, that all wind up being intensely personal to the spirit.Explore the science behind how they communicate. Learn how to receive their messages, where they appear, and important messages in how to live your life. Rob takes you into cemeteries, battlefields, and historic places. You’ll see what happens to victims of suicide and murders, and how infants and animals pass messages to the living. Featuring: Inspired Ghost Tracking and mediums Barb Mallon, Troy Cline and Ruth Larkin.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

BIG NEWS! Pets and the Afterlife 2 Now Published!

My fourth book Pets and the Afterlife 2 is now Published!  
  It is available on in paperback and e-book. It's a follow-up to my first "Pets and the Afterlife" book, and is my fourth book.
Pets and the Afterlife 2 was written to help grieving pet parents understand how pets in the afterlife share signs from the afterlife.   The author is a medium, paranormal investigator, pet parent and a scientist. He explains the science of energy, what happens when pets pass, and the intelligence of pets.
Learn the difference between a ghost and spirit, and the types of signs our pets can give us from the other side.
Read amazing messages that the author received and fantastic personal experiences shared by others to help the reader better understand the many ways spirit pets can communicate.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rob Gutro, Author, Paranormal Investigator, Medium
Rob considers himself an average guy who just happens to be able to communicate with those who passed. He calls himself a "medium rare" because he's still learning how to meditate for more messages, but he passes messages on when he gets them. He is also a member of the Inspired Ghost Tracking Team, Hanover, Maryland. He has been able to sketch out what a ghost or spirit looks like and have connected with many people and dogs and cats!
By trade he's a meteorologist, so he tries to explain ghosts and spirits with science. He's had the ability since he was a teenager and it has improved over time. In 2005, Rob's late puppy became the world's best canine communicator and inspired Rob to write his first book.  
Rob has worked with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues since 2008 and continues to do so with his husband. They have fostered many dogs, transport dogs through the Mid-Atlantic, and do fundraising. They have 2 Dachshunds and a Weimaraner.

His books include: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead and Ghosts and Spirits: Insights from a Medium (Retired in Feb. 2015). Available in paperback and E-book on

Rob's Blog:
Facebook pages:
Amazon Author Page:

Friday, February 12, 2016

Q&A: Pet ashes and energy

Here's an email and observation that I received from someone who has their dog's ashes. They
experienced how ashes can connect to the energy of spirit.


I got my dog's ashes back today. I also selected a necklace with a heart and some of her cremains were placed inside the locket. I put it on and placed my left palm over the locket and pressed it close to my heart. For two seconds and only two seconds, I felt a soft electrical type of charge. I was shocked and immediately felt peace. 
  I could not believe what I felt so I tried it again and again but there was no other feeling. It was a one time occurrence and I am still in a state of peace and happiness. I believe it was her spirit that was now resting with me on my heart.

     What a wonderful tribute to her to keep some of her ashes in a locket- and a great sign from her that she's still with you! When we pass the energy within our physical bodies couple with our memories and personalities and we make a choice to stay Earth-bound as a ghost or cross over into the light/heaven/Valhalla, etc. as a spirit. Energy is the key here and love is positive emotional energy that binds us together with those we love (whether pet or person).
  Sometimes ashes can hold some residual energies.  The energy can be physically sensed some times, and it appears that your girl made it happen for you. Your emotional energy (love) helped "re-energize" the residual energy in your dog's ashes, so you felt a spark.
  Take comfort in knowing she's still with you in spirit.  

For more information about pet spirits, check out "Pets and the Afterlife" by Rob Gutro, available in paperback and E-book on 

Monday, February 8, 2016

In the News: 'Ghost of Henry VIII's wife' caught on camera - can you spot it?

 In 2017, I'll be publishing another book- that one about my experiences with ghosts I've met in the British Isles, which includes one of Henry VIII's wives, Katherine. In this new article from the UK Mirror, a bus driver caught her image on camera!
- Rob

'Ghost of Henry VIII's wife' caught on camera - can you spot it?

Trevor Tye, 45, swears that nobody has tampered with the photo he took after driving a coach load of tourists to Hampton Court Palace

Mercury Press Coach driver Trevor Tye caught what could be the ghost of one of Henry VIII’s wives on camera while taking pictures at Hampton Court Palace
Spooky: Coach driver Trevor Tye says this could be the ghost of one of Henry VIII’s wives
A coach driver snapped what he believes could be the ghost of one of Henry VIII's wives during a visit to Hampton Court Palace.
Trevor Tye, 45, had driven a coach-load of tourists to the royal palace but ventured in to get pictures himself while he was waiting.
It was only after returning home after taking pictures of the beautiful marble staircase in the Palace's public entrance, that he spotted what appears to be the figure of a young woman stood eerily watching down.
Henry VIII's fifth wife Catherine Howard was imprisoned at Hampton Court in 1541 before she was beheaded at the age of 21 and her ghost has been said to still haunt the palace.

Mercury Press Coach driver Trevor Tye caught what could be the ghost of one of Henry VIII’s wives on camera while taking pictures at Hampton Court Palace
Spotted: The picture taken by coach driver Trevor Tye
Trevor claims he sent the picture to the palace, who informed him a security guard had spotted the ghost of a young woman or girl in the same spot on more than one occasion.
Trevor, from York, said: "I didn't even realise I had caught anything unusual until I got home and a friend looked at some of my pictures and said, who is that girl?"

Have your say in the comments section below

Mercury Press Coach driver Trevor Tye caught what could be the ghost of one of Henry VIII’s wives on camera while taking pictures at Hampton Court Palace
Snapped: The pictures were taken at Hampton Court Palace
"I couldn't believe it as the room was completely empty when I took the picture so I know that there is no way it is someone in the shot," he continued.
"I have had the picture examined by experts and everyone has said the picture has not been tampered with at all, so for me the only explanation is that it is a ghost."
Woman 'photobombed by alien' during selfie on passenger jet on business trip
Trevor, who works for York Pullman Bus Company, has been an avid ghost hunter for more than a decade but says this is the clearest 'proof' he has ever seen.

Mercury Press Coach driver Trevor Tye caught what could be the ghost of one of Henry VIII’s wives on camera while taking pictures at Hampton Court Palace
Keen: Trevor has been hunting ghosts for years
Trevor said: "It is most definitely one of the best examples of a ghost being caught on camera and I think this is especially true since the security guard was able to confirm that he has seen the same figure too.
"I was very careful when taking the picture to ensure no one was in the room - the last thing I wanted was someone ruining my shot.
"Unfortunately the vast majority of ghost pictures you see are faked so I am really pleased to have caught something like this."

Getty Portrait of Henry VIII
One room of Hampton Court has become known as the Haunted Gallery as there have been so many alleged sightings of Catherine Howard.
'Ghost child' caught on camera by teens at Christmas dinner - or is it?
It is said she is usually seen in a white gown, much like the one in Trevor's picture, while Henry VIII's third wife Jane Seymour is also said to haunt the palace after dying there in 1537.
Trevor said: "I don't know who the ghost is, but it is either a young woman or perhaps a girl of maybe 16 or 17. It is hard to make out the age of her clothing but it doesn't look modern.
"It looks like she is looking down and reading something on a stand in front of her.
"I am not scared by the picture and would happily go back to Hampton Court, but I doubt I'll capture anything quite like this again."

Regal: Hampton Court Palace is in Richmond Upon Thames
The palace's website lists both Catherine Howard and Jane Seymour as ghosts who might haunt Hampton Court, along with Sibell Penn, the Lady in Grey, and a 'Skeletor' figure caught on CCTV in 2003.
Hampton Court's website states: "Hampton Court Palace, with its 500 years of history, has seen many dramatic royal events from the death of Henry VIII's third wife, Jane Seymour, to the condemnation and house arrest of his fifth, Catherine Howard, for adultery.
"Over the centuries, staff, visitors, workmen and residents have experienced strange phenomena for which there is often no practical explanation."