Rob's Books, Medium Readings, Animal Rescue Fundraisers

BOOKS: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife 3, Pets and the Afterlife 4, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit, Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Ghosts and Spirits Explained BEST SELLERS: All of Rob's books have reached "best-seller" status on in various paranormal categories. PET SPIRIT READINGS: Now offered via email and done on weekends. Reserve a spot thru Paypal. Email me at Send 1 Photo of your pet, their name, and any questions.ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISING LECTURES : Rob is a dog dad, volunteers with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and does fundraising lectures for dog and cat rescues.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Dirty vs. Clean House = Negative vs. Positive Energy (and spirit-wise, too)

Dirty houses and disarray feed negativity

  Recently I took part in a ghost investigation and entered a private home. Thehome's inhabitant was complaining of dark shadows and bad feelings. It turned out that there was a lot of negative energy inside the house because of people practicing black arts.
   Whenever anything is in disarray, dirty or disorganized, negative entities can feed off of it, and become empowered. Negative energies, like ghosts or even dark entities (non-human) can draw energy from the feelings of stress created by disorganization and filth. 
Clean houses dispel negative energy
   We entered a house with black mold in the basement (which can make people physically ill, trigger respiratory problems and in some cases lead to death), and garbage piled up throughout the home. The home even smelled so bad that I had an asthma attack!

  The residents who lived there also had animals, and dogs and cats have much more sensitivity of smell - and it was extremely painful to them (I could tell). In fact, it appeared the poor dogs hadn't been bathed in over a year. The filth and neglect was disgusting and harmful to all - mentally, physically and spiritually. 
  It turned out that there were 2 dark entities in the home and they were feeding off the filth and disarray. So I recommended a thorough cleaning, repainting the walls (which were drawn on with crayon and pen), playing soft music to invite positive energy, opening shades (which were closed) and lighting white candles  - both to bring in light, and throwing out almost everything they could. 
  Negative energy, ghosts and dark entities will fester and strengthen in dirty, unorganized environments!!!  
  So, pick up and throw out papers, trash, things you haven't used in a year - organize it. Bathe yourself and your animals daily and weekly. Take out the trash. Bring light into your home - Make it a positive energy-filled place where no dark things would want to linger, and you'll be inviting good spirits of people who passed to watch over you, and even beings of light and love. 


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Meet me on 7/18 at 5:30 pm at Baron's K9 Country Store, Md.

Come out to Belair, Maryland (Northeast of Baltimore) on Friday, July 18th to meet me at 5:30 p.m. EDT  as I give a talk and do book signings with my book "Pets and the Afterlife" at Baron's K9 Country Store, 525 Pritt Ln, Bel Air, MD 21014/ Tel. 410-838-6369. 
  Baron's k9 is located off I-95, northeast of Baltimore
July Events
July 15, 5:30 - 7:30 or so  Mike Soler Owner/Trainer Blueline K9  Mike and his dogs love weather of all kinds and will be working in our new fenced in area. If you have questions or comments about training equipment, training in general or anything else specific, stop by and chat. 1-800-266-2365

July 18, 5:30-7:30  Wine-n-Kibble  Wine, munchies, pet food vendors, raffle, and socializing.  Rob Gutro: Author/Ghost Tracker/Medium/Scientist will be speaking on grief and loss. Bring your questions FUR sure!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Spirits and Death in Car Accidents

During my recent appearance at the Frederick Book Festival a woman asked me about whether people who die in car accidents remember the pain of death. I actually get asked that question often. It's my understanding from spirit that there's a "blackout period" of the time of death during a car accident, an instant before the accident the spirit may leave the body. Her dad actually left his body before the impact.
    Sometimes that departure from the physical body leaves the spirit confused as to what happened, but when they see the accident they usually understand and will cross over. Other times, however, they refuse to believe that they are dead so they linger, as did the spirit of an Hispanic man in Maryland that I encountered post accident. I sensed him standing at what I learned was the scene of an earlier accident and told him to cross over (that story is in my book "Ghosts and Spirits: Insights from a Medium.").

LEARN MORE ABOUT SIGNS: in my book "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead" by Rob Gutro
In medium Rob Gutro's second book, See photo proof of a ghost haunting a residence. Go on a treasure-hunt-style journey in Virginia as Rob and others explain random and obscure words, signs and symbols from a spirit, that prove the spirit was with his family. Learn lessons from Spirits and their suggestions on how we can live better on Earth.
Explore the science behind how they communicate. Learn how to receive their messages, where they appear, and important messages in how to live your life. Go into cemeteries, battlefields, and historic places in various parts of the U.S and beyond. Learn about spirits of suicide and murder victims, and how infants and animals pass messages to the living.  FOR THE BOOK ON AMAZON.COM IN PAPERBACK or EBOOK:

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Listen to the Podcast: My interview on Paranormal Filler Radio!

 Did you miss my 50 minute interview on July 13 with Paranormal Filler Radio with host Wes Forsythe about
my new book "Pets and the Afterlife"? 
    You can hear it here:


LiveParanormal Radio
BlogTalk Radio
and other broadcast sources and archives found at


Thursday, July 10, 2014


Barb Mallon
My friend and mentor Medium Barb Mallon wrote a great column in her most recent newsletter about repetitive numbers, and I wanted to share it with you this week. If you're looking for a reading, please contact Barb. She's amazing! -Rob

I've had SO many clients ask me about those same series of numbers they see frequently and what they mean.  I incorporate numerology in most aspects of my life, from my home or office address, license plates, times on the clock, etc.  It's easy when you think of 0 or 1 as the beginning of a new journey and 9 being at the end of a journey.   I do believe that it's not only a message from the angelic realm, but also from guides and loved ones on the other side.  :)    Enjoy!
Barb Mallon  /  / (o) 703.474.2227

I tend to interpret the numbers in this way:
  Basically a doubled number is a more spiritual suggestion, and triple and quadruple is a "what are you waiting for?" or pay close attention - even more spiritual.  I tend to pay attention to the combo numbers as well, such as 11:44.  This would me for me to get started on that new project, but keep it organized!
 1 - a new beginning 11... a spiritual new beginning and 111 and 1111, pay attention!  Get off your butt and get started on what it is you want!  :)
 2 - need for balance, partnership, teamwork, harmony.
 3 - expansion, evolving, building, incorporating new ideas, growing, fertile.
 4 - square things up, organize, keep it together, stick to the rules, save money.
 5 - chaos, a little craziness, tone it down, simplify, breathe.
 6 - too much material, addictions, possessions, a need for more faith and spirituality.  Balance your lower self and higher self.
 7 - remember to have faith, spirituality, this too shall pass, you're starting to "get it."
 8 - infinity, what you're putting out is going to come back in the way you put it out, so careful with your thoughts!  Unconditional love, close to harvesting time.
 9 - ending of a journey, wrap everything up and keep moving forward.  A new beginning soon!
 10 = 1 - new journey, new beginning.

Barb and Rob together at a conference
**NEW** PETS AND THE AFTERLIFE: The loss of a pet is like the loss of a child to pet owners. The love we share with our pets never dies, and in a new book called "Pets and the Afterlife" by Rob Gutro, the author provides proof that our pets do communicate with us from the other side.    Available in paperback and E-book, on and other outlets at: To order paperback of Kindle- click here 

FOR  ROB GUTRO'S  OTHER BOOKS AVAILABLE ON AMAZON ((Ghosts and Spirits: Insights from a Medium for $7.99 paper/$2.99 E-book and Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead  for $8.99 paperback and $2.99 E-book

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

PODCAST- Listen here: Rob's "Pets/Afterlife" Interview on 21st Century Radio

On July 6, 2014, I really enjoyed talking with Dr. Zoh of 21st Century Radio about my book "Pets and the Afterlife." Dr. Zoh is also a medium and she's a dog parent, so it was really a wonderful discussion. 

You can listen to the Podcast here: RobGutro_21stCenturyRadio 07_06_14

Monday, July 7, 2014

Catch Rob Speaking at the Pensacola Para Con, Florida!

Over the weekend of August 9 and 10, 2014 - Rob Gutro will be a featured speaker at the Pensacola Para Con, Pensacola, Florida. Rob will be speaking about ghosts in a double murder investigation!
   What is PARACON?  It's a Science, Comic, Sci Fi, Anime, Gaming, paranormal, art, horror and Costuming Convention!
Pensacola Interstate Fair Grounds Conference Building, Pensacola, Florida
For details visit the website:
The many famous guests of the 2014 PARACON

Rob will be speaking about Ghosts in a Double Murder Investigation

Sunday, July 6, 2014

LISTEN Tonight: Interview on 21st Century Radio Interviews Rob 9-10 p.m. EDT

Tonight- July 6, Sunday from 9 to 10 p.m. EDT  Rob Gutro will be interviewed on 21st Century Radio with Host: Dr. Bob Hieronimus and Dr. Zoh about his book "Pets and the Afterlife"
Listen On-line or at 680 AM WBAL Radio, Baltimore, Md.
Listen Live:

by Rob Gutro: The loss of a pet is like the loss of a child to pet owners. The love we share with our pets never dies, and in a new book called "Pets and the Afterlife" by Rob Gutro, the author provides proof that our pets do communicate with us from the other side.    Available in paperback and E-book, on and other outlets at: To order paperback of Kindle-

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Spirits Bring Things to Our Attention: Proof They're Around

Spirits have a way of bringing things to our attention at a time we need to hear or see them. Whether a spirit leads you to a doppelganger (someone that looks like them) to remind you that they're still around you, come into your dreams or to something as simple as an old letter. The latter two were the case with a 31 year old woman I met recently at a book festival. 

spirits appear in dreams of peaceful settings
DREAMS -  She said that both she and her brother had similar dreams of their late father. I asked if they were both in peaceful settings like walking in a grassy field, sitting on a bench, watching a sunset- and she acknowledged that her and her brother's dreams of their dad were in fact in those types of settings. When spirits come into our dreams, they're actually visiting us to let us know they're around us from time to time- and they project themselves in peaceful settings. It also means they've crossed over because ghosts don't seem to have the ability to come in our dreams.

A LETTER FROM THE PAST FOR THE PRESENT -   The woman told me that she found a letter from her dad from 14 years before that referenced her in one line. She said it was a simple sentence, but it was relevant to her life right now. She asked how that was possible. The answer is that spirit led her to the letter at this time because she needed to know her dad's spirit is with her and understands what she's going through right now. That's proof in writing- even after his passing! 

LEARN MORE ABOUT SIGNS: in my book "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead" by Rob Gutro
In medium Rob Gutro's second book, See photo proof of a ghost haunting a residence. Go on a treasure-hunt-style journey in Virginia as Rob and others explain random and obscure words, signs and symbols from a spirit, that prove the spirit was with his family. Learn lessons from Spirits and their suggestions on how we can live better on Earth.
Explore the science behind how they communicate. Learn how to receive their messages, where they appear, and important messages in how to live your life. Go into cemeteries, battlefields, and historic places in various parts of the U.S and beyond. Learn about spirits of suicide and murder victims, and how infants and animals pass messages to the living.  FOR THE BOOK ON AMAZON.COM IN PAPERBACK or EBOOK:


Friday, July 4, 2014

Listen on July 13 at 8pm EDT -Rob Interviewed on Paranormal Filler Radio

Listen on July 13 at 8pm EDT as Rob will be interviewed by host Wes Forsythe on Paranormal Filler Radio! Rob will talk about his latest book "Pets and the Afterlife" and his other books.
To listen: