Rob's Books, Medium Readings, Animal Rescue Fundraisers

BOOKS: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife 3, Pets and the Afterlife 4, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit, Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Ghosts and Spirits Explained BEST SELLERS: All of Rob's books have reached "best-seller" status on in various paranormal categories. PET SPIRIT READINGS: Now offered via email and done on weekends. Reserve a spot thru Paypal. Email me at Send 1 Photo of your pet, their name, and any questions.ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISING LECTURES : Rob is a dog dad, volunteers with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and does fundraising lectures for dog and cat rescues.
Showing posts with label Animal spirits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animal spirits. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Rob Gutro's 5 books; Available on

Rob Gutro's books are  Available on
Ghosts and Spirits, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead , Pets and the Afterlife and Pets an the Afterlife 2 and Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation! :

Saturday, February 2, 2019

The 2 1/2 hour Interview: Pets and the Afterlife On Late Night in the Midlands

On January 30th, I enjoyed interviewing with Michael Vara, host of the Radio program "Late Night in the Midlands." We covered basics in paranormal, defined ghosts vs. spirits, and got into how pets communicate from the afterlife (based on my 2 books). In the last hour, Michael took a couple of callers who had interesting questions for me. My interview began about 33 minutes into the 3 hour show. You can hear it (and watch Michael) here:

MY BOOKS:    Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts and Spirits and Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Q&A: Do Our Pets Reincarnate? When?

One of the questions I get asked most often from grieving pet parents is if their dog, cat, horse, etc. will be reincarnated quickly. In short, the answer is no, but there's a good reason! 
Here's the question: Rob! So sorry to ask you this... but I’m having some anxiety regarding one thing... Is my dog going to come back to me in my lifetime?! Will or has she reincarnated? Sorry for asking you this question but my heart needs to know... 

My Response:  No need to be anxious! As I wrote in my books "Pets and the Afterlife" our pets wait until we have passed and then meet us when we cross over. Then, once we're all together in the afterlife, we all reincarnate and come back, all connected again in some way. 
   It's the same thing with people who pass. They wait for everyone they knew in the physical to pass away before they reincarnate. So, all of them will be waiting for you in the light, including your pets.
   In the meantime, spirits of both people and pets will be around us for the rest of our physical lives, protecting and guiding us. 

 You can find more answers in my books "Pets and the Afterlife" and "Pets and the Afterlife 2" available on
Rob Gutro's Pets and the Afterlife books


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

New Video! A Few Odd Minutes Episode 11: Pets in the Afterlife!

Earlier this year, I got to work with TV Producer Tony Hoos of Dragon Digital Television and his great crew to produce an episode of "A Few Odd Minutes in Howard County" about my favorite paranormal topic "Pets and the Afterlife!" (based on my 2 books of the same name on Amazon).
  Tony and his crew did an amazing job. Let me know what you think!  - Rob Gutro
On this episode of A Few Odd Minutes in Howard County, find out if pets can actually return as ghosts or spirits. An expert on pets in the afterlife explains why an animal might want to stay behind.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Monday, November 21, 2016

A Letter from Eric: Angel's Passing and Signs

There is no such thing as a coincidence when it comes to messages from spirits, and spirits lead us to find messages (sometimes from others that relate to them) to show that they're around us, or that we've done the right thing.  
   I received the following email from Eric, who realized the signs and messages from his beloved dog, Angel. 
  Eric allowed me to share his experience with everyone so that you can learn from it and find signs from your own pets. 
Hello Rob -  I just recently finished reading your book "Pets and the Afterlife". I found it very comforting in my situation.

I recently had to euthanize my 13 year old pit bull. She was my baby and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. She had a very aggressive cancerous tumor growing in her mouth. She had lost a lot of weight, and I could tell she was in pain. I had no choice but to let her go.

As I'm sure most people do when faced with the same decision, I was filled with self doubt and constantly worried if I was doing the right thing.

I read your book in the days leading up to her final day. The day I let her go, I had several occurrences of what had to be more than just coincidence. As you said in your book, there are no coincidences.

The morning of that day, I woke up with her lying next to me and I prayed for a sign that I was doing the right thing. Within an hour, she had somehow irritated the tumor in her mouth and it started bleeding profusely. When that happened, it removed all doubt that I was doing the right thing. The bleeding eventually stopped, but I knew I couldn't let her go on this way. It didn't occur to me that this could be the sign I asked for until a couple hours later.

Like you suggested in your book, before she passed I asked her to send me a sign from the afterlife that she had crossed over and she was ok.

Later that night, after she had passed, I was reading an article online about animals moving on to the afterlife. In the comments for the article there where numerous people telling their stories about their encounters with their pets after they had passed and some of the strange occurrences that happened after their passing. There were 150+ comments and I read all of them.

Out of all the stories I read, only two of them were pit bulls. 

 In the first story, the person mentioned that they put their dog down on 7/28/2014. I thought that was a coincidence since mine passed on 7/28 also although it was two years later. 

The second story was what really got me. It was about someone who had to euthanize their pit bull. This person later had a dream that her passed dog was playing with a grey pit bull in her back yard. She thought this was strange because she had never seen the grey one before. When she went back to work as a vet tech, she heard scratching and whining at the gate which led to the alley behind the veterinary office. She opened the gate and it was the grey pit bull from her dream. She said it had needed medical attention so she took it inside and they doctored it up. She decided to adopt it and name it Angel. I could not believe it when I read this because my dog's name was Angel.

I immediately felt this strong sense of comfort come over me. I felt immediately that this was the sign I asked for. I felt it was beyond coincidence for the only two pit bull stories to have something in common with my dog. It was like the universe conspired to have me reading this exact page and those comments where I would see and make that connection.

What is your take on this? Is this my sign?

My Response: 
 Eric- I felt an overwhelming sense of love an appreciation to you from her. You let her pass with
Pets and the Afterlife 2 and 1 by Rob Gutro
dignity, and helped her regain her health in spirit and she thanks you for having the courage. The bond you share is extremely tight and it teared me up getting these sensations from her. Angel understood you about your needing a sign to decide when it was time, and she provided it. It reminds me of how our dog Sprite had a tumor burst in his nose and that was his sign.
 - She also led you to read those responses. She was sitting by your side in spirit and encouraged you to read through all of them to find the 2 messages that you found. She tells me that normally you're not that patient!  Funny what dogs can tell us!   The date and the name were the 2 things you need to find on that page, and you would not have found them together anywhere else. She influenced you to read through the comments to find them.  What a wonderful confirmation that she's always going to be around you, and will be waiting for you on the other side when it's your time.
  Thank you for your email! Angel really is an angel, and can be very persuasive.

Eric's Response;

Rob-   Seeing that sign has really helped me cope with her loss.  It gives me the sense that I have not really lost her at all and that she will always be with me. 
   If I would have never read your book, it wouldn't have ever occurred to me to ask her for a sign. I have no way of knowing if I would have gotten it anyways, but I'm certainly glad I asked.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Rob's Interview about "Pet Spirits" on the podcast called "Life, Laughter and Happiness."

Earlier this month I was interviewed by Jonathan on his podcast called "Life, Laughter and Happiness." We talked about how pets communicate from the afterlife. 

Listen to the 30 minute podcast here:

Rob Gutro's 4 books about ghosts, spirits, pets and people
ABOUT JONATHAN'S PODCAST: My name is Jonathan Alexander I have A show about everything how people overcome adversity, and are still able to smile at the end of the day

Author/Medium Rob Gutro

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Wow! Nice comments about my Interview with Norene on Paranormal Zone TV

Wow. I'm really touched by the nice comments from people who tuned into my interview about Pets and the Afterlife with Norene Balovich, host of Do You Believe on Paranormal Zone TV on May 25th. It was a powerful show and there was a lot of emotion, and healing. I even did some readings and got some confirmation. 
  The show went 2 hours and we covered a lot of ground and answered a LOT of questions about how pets communicate from spirit. You can see it and hear it here:   (Or Below)
Norene Sampiere Balovich with Norene Balovich.
Wow.....thanks so much to Rob Gutro - Medium, Author - Pets and The Afterlife Book 1 & 2....what a show....very emotional....I told myself that I wasn't going to cry.. the chat room was crying like babies too! .Thanks to all for joining us and don't forget if Rob can help send your message to...... Thank you! <3 u="">

Norene Sampiere Balovich's photo.

Tommy Roberts
Want to tag yourself?  
Tommy Roberts Rob always great Norene
Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs
Nikki Cook
Nikki Cook Norene,your show had me crying my eyes out. as did you I love your compassion !! xx
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Jimmy Cortez
Jimmy Cortez Thanks Norene it's a new experiences something new to know of our lost loveable animals. Till then lots of love Jimmy Cortez. Have a awesome blessing day.
Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs
Stacey Ford
Stacey Ford Is there a replay somewhere? I missed it and dearly miss my departed fur kids.
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
Stacey Ford
Stacey Ford Yes, thank you so much Norene Sampiere Balovich. I have watched about the first hour. But I have to plug in for a bit and I will watch the rest. Very powerful and emotional. Thank you for having Rob on. He has answered so many of my questions and confirmed so many of my thoughts.
Like · Reply · 1 hr
William Fernandes
William Fernandes Great Show and Thanks for Answering alot of My Questions Yes It was a Great Wonderful Show !!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs
Kerry Yeast
Kerry Yeast sorry i missed it i could't watch it i might watch some of it later thow
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Shawn Christopher Beaudoin
Shawn Christopher Beaudoin I loved it good Show Norene sooo sad but Rob was really good.Thank you Norene for answering my questions kiki emoticon
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Jenn Lee Bryon Lorino
Jenn Lee Bryon Lorino Saw most of the show and I been sick yesterday and I was sleepy but it was was great show and I got to bunny xoxo.
Like · Reply · 1 · 40 mins
Patricia Beauchamp
Patricia Beauchamp Thank you Norene, it was an excellent show! Rob is just fantastic and so are you! Love ya'

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

UK Medium Julie Sav Talks with Rob Gutro about Spirit Pets!

Recently I had the good fortune to be interviewed by Medium Julie Sav on her radio program from the United Kingdom!  We talked about Pets in spirit and had a very interesting conversation. She's such a great hostess!!


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Pets and the Afterlife 1 at #11 on Kindle, Pets 2 at #101!

Wow!  Today, Sunday, February 28th, Pets and the Afterlife (1) is #11 on Kindle under Supernatural books, while
my new book "Pets and the Afterlife 2" is already at #101. I'm so glad that grieving pet parents are finding the books and hope they help people understand how  pets communicate from the other side.
   Every week I continue to receive emails from around the world from people seeking messages from their pets or sharing the messages they received. Both of which can be found in my newest book "Pets and the Afterlife 2."
  Both are available in E-book and Paperback on - Thank you! Rob Gutro

Here's today's ranking for Pets and the Afterlife 1: 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tonight Live at 9am! Interview on "Down the Rabbit Hole" about Spirit Pets

Tonight, Feb. 23 at 9 p.m. EST (LIVE) join in 
 live for when internet radio host and Ghostorian Mike Rickesecker host of the "Down the Rabbit Hole"  program interviews Rob Gutro about spirit pets. 
  Listen Live:

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Watch for signs from our loved ones in Spirit on Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!  Holidays, birthdays and anniversaries are usually the time spirits of our loved ones, people or pets, come around and give us signs to let us know they're around. It
Webster was a black and tan Dachshund like this guy
happens all the time (although we may miss the signs if we're not paying attention). It already happened today.

   This morning, Thanksgiving morning, the spirit of a black and tan dachshund let me know that he's been around his mom - so I messaged her immediately. Back in April 2014 after Webster the dachshund had passed, he came through to me when a song came on as I was thinking about him. It was "Somewhere Out There" by Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram. 
     WEBSTER'S THANKSGIVING GREETING - This morning as I was preparing to put the turkey in the oven, I took a picture of our three dogs in the kitchen who ran over to it and were sniffing like crazy. I posted it on my personal facebook page. After I posted it, I read the first posting, and it was from our friend Shelley, whose dachshund Webster passed in 2014. 
   I then clicked on to play some music while cooking, and Webster's song was the first one that came on.  
   There is NO such thing as a coincidence when it comes to spirits.

MY MESSAGE TO SHELLEY - Good morning, Shelley! _ No sooner did I post the pic of our kids sniffing the turkey as I was about to set it in the oven this morning, that I saw your posting about your baking a pie... and Pandora radio played its first song this morning - from Webster. "Somewhere Out There" by Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram . It choked me up! He wants to let you know that he's around you today and was proud of you for baking that pie. 

   Previously, Webster made himself known to me before, when I was baking and I let Shelley know.  She told me that he would always be in the kitchen whenever food appeared... and he still is.

First Message from Webster/The Blog from April 5, 2014:  Musical Sign from Webster the Dachshund
    On April 5, 2014, I was responding to an email from my friend Shelley, who is also a dachshund rescue volunteer. She had just lost her beloved dog, Webster. As I wrote in my new book, Pets and the Afterlife" - losing a dog is the same as losing a child. My heart hurts for Shelley and everyone who loses a pet (as I've lost several dogs).
   As I was writing to Shelley, her dog Webster's spirit came through to me immediately. I happened to log onto radio.. As soon as the music started to play, I wrote to Shelley and said "Webster JUST sent me a song for you. I've never heard it come up on Pandora and I instantly knew it was a message from him. 
It's Somewhere Out There by Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram.  
This song is from Webster with love:  

Lessons Learned, Ghosts and Spirits
To learn more, check out  Rob Gutro's books: "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead," "Pets and the Afterlife" and the new book "Pets and the Afterlife 2" -  visit   (or click this link) 
Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife