Rob's Books, Medium Readings, Animal Rescue Fundraisers

BOOKS: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife 3, Pets and the Afterlife 4, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit, Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Ghosts and Spirits Explained BEST SELLERS: All of Rob's books have reached "best-seller" status on in various paranormal categories. PET SPIRIT READINGS: Now offered via email and done on weekends. Reserve a spot thru Paypal. Email me at Send 1 Photo of your pet, their name, and any questions.ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISING LECTURES : Rob is a dog dad, volunteers with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and does fundraising lectures for dog and cat rescues.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Paranormal Q and A: Why are some people so afraid of paranormal activities?

Each week, I'll answer a question about the paranormal, whether a general question, or one about human or animal ghosts (Earthbound) or spirits (crossed over). Here's this week's question:
 Q: Why are some people so afraid of paranormal activities? 

 A: It's natural to be afraid of what we do not know. It's also natural to be afraid of the dead if someone has heard folk tales, stories from various religions and cults and science fiction stories. Of course, those tend to talk about earth-bound ghosts or spirits who have crossed over and have bad personalities.

We're also afraid of what we cannot see and most people can't see or hear ghosts or spirits. Despite that, we just need to understand that they were all either people or animals who have passed from the physical plane. Some people who have medium abilities are afraid of interacting with ghosts or spirits.

My mom had the ability, but she was afraid of using it. However, she always asked me if I spoke with any ghosts of spirits each week. It was funny that she didn't want to do it, but she was curious about what those who passed would say to me.

For Rob Gutro's 8 books on the paranormal, visit: All of Rob's books were written to help explain the paranormal, and teach readers how to find signs from spirit.

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