Joy Says: Sometimes we forget that when we make a shift in our own consciousness, we are not the only ones to benefit. Our children and grandchildren benefit every time we heal a part of ourselves. You may notice a shift today in those you love based on a personal shift in perspective.
ABOUT THE CARD: In the Ten of Pentacles card, there is an old man seated in an archway leading into a great estate. It seems he is the head of the family, for he is surrounded by younger loved ones. He wears a robe that is decorated with moon crescents and grapevines - indicating the joining of spirit and matter. He has his family and dogs with him. There is a happy couple in front of him, presumably his children and a playful child behind this couple, his grandchild. The child playfully reaches out to pet the dog.
According to BiddyTarot.com:
Upright: Wealth, financial security, family, long-term success, contribution
Reversed: The dark side of wealth, financial failure or loss
BIOGRAPHY: Joy Andreasen is an author, shamanic practitioner, psychic medium, spiritual consultant, Reiki Master Teacher and wedding officiant. She has been giving messages from Spirit for almost twenty years. She teaches spiritual development and shamanic classes in Winchester and Herndon Virginia which are always highly acclaimed.
For more about Joy Andreasen, visit: https://www.facebook.com/whispersofjoy/
Email: joyandreasen@gmail.com
Website: http://www.WhispersofJoy.net
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