Rob's Books, Medium Readings, Animal Rescue Fundraisers

BOOKS: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife 3, Pets and the Afterlife 4, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit, Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Ghosts and Spirits Explained BEST SELLERS: All of Rob's books have reached "best-seller" status on in various paranormal categories. PET SPIRIT READINGS: Now offered via email and done on weekends. Reserve a spot thru Paypal. Email me at Send 1 Photo of your pet, their name, and any questions.ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISING LECTURES : Rob is a dog dad, volunteers with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and does fundraising lectures for dog and cat rescues.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Great Book: Paranormal State by Ryan Buell

As a fan of the A&E television series, I recently finished reading the new book "Paranormal State" by Ryan Buell (star of the Penn State Paranormal Research Team) and Stefan Petrucha. It's based on the A&E Series of the same name. 
- This is a well-written book and very enjoyable-especially for fans of the program. Ryan gives background on investigators and provides an intimate look into himself as well. I applaud him for his honesty and sharing personal things with his readers- It certainly made me respect him and admire him. I learned that I share a lot of similarities with Ryan: I had my first encounter with a spirit (not a ghost) when I was a teenager. I have a great partner/husband, love dogs, and try to help others as much as possible with my gift of being a developing medium.
- Ryan provides good background on many things including types of ghosts, EVPs, spirit "games," Ouija boards (Avoid them!), 
- He mentions that he'd been wary of physics and mediums but works with several talented ones now, who have proven themselves very accurate and helpful. 
- The behind the scenes look at various episodes is interesting. Viewers see 22 minutes, while filming and investigations can take days. 
  I highly recommend this book and following Ryan on his blog. I even gave this book as a Christmas present! Check it out. It's great reading.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Famous Figures Who investigated Ghosts

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
At the turn of the century there was an inquisitive frenzy on the possibilities for survival of the spirit in an after life.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Oliver Lodge, Dr. Schrenk-Notzing, Charles Richet (who coined the word ectoplasm) plus numerous other investigators worldwide spent extensive time and money analyzing the exploits of many channellers and mediums.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tune into the HAUNTED SYNDICATE Radio show tonight!

I'll be calling into the Haunted Syndicate Radio program tonight between 7-8pm EST to talk with the host!
You can listen in at
Their website is //   
Tune in tonight!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dreams and Comfort in Daily Life

Southwest Airplane- Credit: Southwest
Before Christmas I had a visit from my grandmother - my mother's mother. What's interesting is that she died years before I was born and I had never had contact with her before. I did see her in the light at the cemetery where my dad was being interred back in August 2008. She was with my grandfather and others (including 3 dogs I know).
 - She appeared to me and told me to tell my mother (who is afraid to fly) that she would be with her on her trip. To prove it was her, she said "ask your mother to find the yellow knitted shawl I made for her, and to wear a piece of my jewelry."
 - Now, I don't know of anything that my mother's mother had ever knit - only crocheted tablecloths... and certainly not anything yellow. My mother immediately remembered something yellow and knitted from her mother, that was stored in her hope chest! She found it and took it with her on her holiday visit (via plane). She also found a piece of jewelry that was her mother's and wore that around her neck.
 - Her mother's assurance of watching out over my mother was enough to convince my mother to fly by herself. It was amazing. Having the ability to communicate with spirits is an incredible gift and it allowed my mother to have the courage to travel by herself.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Message in a Concert

A kitchen similar to the one I was shown...
I never know when or where I'm going to get messages, and got a couple at a recent Christmas concert we attended. Whenever I'm in a crowd, it's difficult to know who the message is for because I can't ask everyone!
Anyway, if this message applies to you- take note.
-A woman named Marlene or Marlena showed me that she lived in a farmhouse. She showed me the kitchen and that she spent a lot of time there. She seemed to be of European descent. She had a light colored cat with a dark colored face, and she said she always had her big Bible near a side table. She wanted to let her living relatives know she's fine, and asks that they light a candle for her. Because I don't know who she belongs to, I've lit a candle for her.

Friday, December 31, 2010

My Dad Gives a Christmas Present

There is no such thing as a coincidence. This year, I got a special treat from my dad who passed in August 2008. - All you have to do is recognize messages. My mother flew down to celebrate Christmas with my partner and I this year and stayed for a week.
  During her visit she pulled out a wallet that she said she found in my dad's desk. She asked me if I would like to have it (I immediately accepted!). She said that she just happened to find it before Christmas. I know that she didn't happen to find it - It's obvious to me that my Dad guided my mother to his old desk and into that drawer where the wallet was located.
  It was brand new, still in the packaging and had the price tag on it. My dad used to give gifts at Christmas and forget to remove the tags, so it was even more obvious it was from him! Thanks, Dad!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ghosts, Spirits and Hatred on Earth-

Hatred in any form on Earth is wrong. Because of my ability to communicate with ghosts and spirits, I've learned a lot about what happens to entities after they pass if they hated,  discriminated or abused others in any way during their time on Earth. 
  I address this, because this weekend something positive happened in the U.S. Congress to end bad behavior. Yes, it's political, but it's also about those abuses I've addressed. This weekend, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was repealed.
 - I've explained this in the context of ghosts and spirits, to help you understand why hatred and intolerance in any form is unhealthy and unjust to the victim AND the perpetrator. I try not to bring politics into this blog, but treatment of others is CENTRAL to what happens to us and others in the afterlife.
"WHY REPEALING DADT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO:   Congress finally did something sensible by repealing this law encouraging hatred and division. Why? Because 1) It is discrimination. 2) gay men and women work in EVERY profession 3) Everyone uses discretion and professionalism in their job - those who don't should be fired (like male bosses that come onto female secretaries who are married).  4) Discrimination, hatred and intolerance for anyone is wrong. 5) The military has asked soldiers to lie about themselves when Truth is demanded in the military.  (I work with gay people who even know I am, but they don't come on to me.)

SO, WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HATRED? Answer:  Ironically, Right-wing "Religious conservatives"  who literally interpret the Bible. I find it ironic that the very people who are supposed to be loving and accepting are the ones who judge, hate, and treat others unlike them like human garbage. If you are a Christian, ACCEPT EVERYONE as Jesus did. Teach those right-wing people who falsely call themselves Christian what it REALLY means to be a true Christian. Love and accept everyone. Forgive others. Help others. Don't hate, separate or abuse others.

WHAT DO PEOPLE WHO PASS AND CROSS OVER SAY ABOUT HATING OTHERS? -   I believe in God. Thanks to my gift, I've talked with people who have crossed into the light onto the other side. They've shown me what awaits them there. What do they say?  They say how SORRY they are for mis-treating people on Earth. That includes parents and others who were mentally or physically abusive, murderers, alcoholics, thieves, drug addicts, suicide victims,  people who hated others because of their race, gender, sexuality, religion, weight, disability, or anything else.  
  In all instances these souls are very sorry for being hateful or abusive to themselves or others. They always ask for forgiveness from those left on Earth. They hope to get messages across to those left alive on Earth NOT to treat others as they did. Unfortunately, ghosts and spirits usually can't get that message across. So, what happens?  People on Earth make the same hateful, stupid mistakes that those who have passed learned way too late.

WHAT CAN WE DO?  1) Stop being hateful. 2) Treat others as you would expect them to treat you. 3) Put yourself in their shoes- how would YOU feel dealing with abuse and hatred? 4) Stop yourself and Stop others. TELL OTHERS you hear who is being hateful to anyone that they are people, too. 5) REACH OUT to someone like that. Get to know them. You'll change your ways. We are all on Earth to share it, live together, and HELP EACH OTHER.

Discrimination and hatefulness in any form is something you WILL atone for after you pass. Even a relative of mine was trapped on Earth for over 20 years begging for forgiveness from my own mother. For an entity to remain on Earth is indeed what hell is like for them. Think of all the ghost hunting programs that pick up audio saying "Help me." Those entities want forgiveness and help crossing into the light. The ones that don't get it are trapped here for eternity and experience a living hell. Don't let it happen to you.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Telephone Signals / No Coincidences

I was at the local post office one Saturday this month mailing a couple of signed copies of my book "Ghosts and Spirits: Insights from a Medium," and the woman behind the counter asked me how I wanted to ship the packages. I told her that they were books I had written and media mail was fine. She inquired about the kind of book. I told her the book is about my ability to communicate with ghosts and spirits, and that I try to help others who are dealing with losses. She stopped and looked up.
   She then told me that she has been trying to explain something that has been happening ever since one of her two closest girlfriends died. She said that about 10 times when she and another close friend (who was also close to the girlfriend who passed) talk on the phone they hear something like bells or chimes over the line. It doesn't happen all the time, and she said that she and her girlfriend both think that their mutual close friend who passed is trying to send them a message. I explained how spirits are energy and how they "power up," etc.
  **I told her that her late girlfriend certainly is trying to let them know that she's also on the phone.  Spirits will sometimes even call people and when the phone is picked up there will be no one there. Or, sometimes you'll actually hear the voice of the deceased person (if the spirit is strong enough).
  As I was leaving, the postal worker said to me "I feel like you were brought to my counter." I told her that I know I was lead there by her girlfriend to help give a little understanding about how spirits work *There IS NO such thing as a coincidence - spirits lead us to people and places at given times.*
 The postal worker was very grateful, and I gave her a card to contact me.

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Soldier Comes to Me During a Show

When we attended Lisa Williams (Medium) show in November, there were about 6 women sitting in front of us that came in together.As soon as they sat I got my tell-tale headache that there was a spirit or ghost in the vicinity. I knew that it wasn't a ghost haunting the theatre and was instead a spirit that came to give a message to one of them.
   One of the women was quite older than the other 5 and I assumed her to be a mother of some or all of them. Sitting to her left was a younger woman (about 35) with dark hair who was clearly upset and kept crying into kleenex.I was drawn to her. I sensed that the spirit was a man, tall, well-built and he showed me that he was wearing "fatigues." That's what I associate with the military- so that's what he showed me. Turns out he was in the Air Force, but to me it was enough to say "Military." The man was standing behind this woman through most of the show. He was sad, and there was a lot of love there. In fact, so much it choked me up and he told me to give that younger woman a hug from him. He also said that he wanted her to stop smoking (she later showed me a cigarette/pack of cigarettes in her purse).
This is similar to the image I saw in my mind.
   At the end of Lisa Williams' show when everyone was packing up to leave, I stopped her and asked her about the man. She said that her father had just passed on Oct. 19th. She and her sisters were really taking it hard and she had hoped he would come through. I explained the visual and the messages. I also explained how his showing me fatigues may not directly represent "Air Force" but military, which is how I associate with armed services of any branch (I know  they are very different,  but this is not an exact science).
  I told her that her dad really wanted me to give her a hug and that he's okay. When I hugged her we BOTH broke down into tears. The love was very powerful.
  She asked if I'm a medium and I told her I'm "developing" and that I get messages when I get them. She also mentioned that her mother who was with her was skeptical. It's okay to be skeptical, because we all eventually learn the truth. So, it turned out that one of the most moving experiences that night was the message I received from this man who wanted to let his daughter(s) know he was still around and loved them very much.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Holy Chihuahua! A Dog comes to me

Back in October when we went to Medium Barb Mallon's "double medium" event in Virginia, I got a couple of messages myself, and one was very, very clear. What's interesting is that it wasn't from a human, it was from a dog. In fact, it was from a little Chihuahua. The dog came to me and told me his name was "Chico," and that he was connected with someone in the room.
   Yes, dogs do have the intelligence and personality to come through. Cats and horses also can come through and give messages. All of these animals have been determined to have the intelligence of young human children. Dogs and horses have been recognized as having the intelligence of a 4 year old human, while cats are estimated to have that of a 2-3 year old (Stanley Coren, author of "How Dogs Think.").
  When Chico came to me, he showed me that he loved to burrow under blankets and sleep on chairs. Now that may sound pretty common, and it is, but he gave me his actual NAME. Further, he showed me that whoever he was connected to has a black or dark colored dog (dogs can see blue, yellow and everything else in shades of gray or black). Chico said that he comes in from time to time and visits the black dog guiding it with its current master.
This is what Chico looked like to me.
  I wondered who this dog belonged to, but didn't get a chance to talk about him during Barb's event. So, after the event ended I had a stack of books that I was signing if anyone wanted them. (An article had just appeared in the Washington Post that day, Oct. 30th, so people knew who I was). After one woman came up and bought a book, a second younger woman came up, and Chico TOLD me he was connected to her!
   So, I asked her if she knew a Chihuahua named "Chico" and she said "Yes, that was my grandmother's dog who passed." I explained what Chico had told me and she confirmed that she does indeed have a black dog. She left me astounded that she just got a communication from beyond from a dog that she knew. I was just astounded that Chico actually directed me to the one person in the entire room of 50 people that he belonged to. Wow.
  So, if you have a dog, cat or horse that has passed, watch for signs. From nails on the floor to moving objects to a song on the radio that reminds you of them. They come back from time to time to say hello and remind you how much they love you.