That morning after sending my other half off to work at 5am, I went back to bed and put our dogs up on the bed with me. For some reason, I had deactivated my alarm that usually wakes me again at 6 a.m. to start my day.
At 7:07 a.m. I was awakened out of a sound sleep by three loud knocks on what sounded like the bedroom door or wall!
The second I woke up, I immediately thought it was my parents standing there.
- A quick run to the door and look outside - and there was no one around. So mom and dad were visiting for Christmas.
If you're suddenly awakened and you're thinking about someone who passed, whether person or pet, then that's who woke you up.
For more about how spirits communicate, either pets or people, check out my books:
*Pets and the Afterlife
*Pets and the Afterlife 2
*Ghosts and Spirits
*Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead: A Paranormal Answer Book
- Available in paperback and ebook on Amazon.com.