It would be beneficial to start doing things to invite light, positive energy and optimism into your life to dispel it. The attachment seems drawn to the negativity like a magnet.
BRIGHTEN UP! - I would suggest that you brighten your living environment, remove negative people from your life, play quieter, calming music, sage your house and bring in more light.
LOOK AT LITTLE THINGS TO FIND GOOD - Focus on small things that make you happy- even a good cup of coffee or an easy traffic day.
The positive change will repel the negative energy. Negative energy depresses people can be changed by focusing on good things, even small, good things.
MEDITATE - You should meditate, have all the lights on around, candles to invite more light, soft music (instrumental), and tell the energy to leave your body.

Picture the energy wrapping up into a tornado-like vortex, and then imagine it spinning out of the house through a window. Then imagine the window and all the windows of your house being sealed with light as a barrier. He can also protect yourself further by picturing that white light around him as a "suit of armor."