Reknowned Podcaster Curry Stegen, host of the "Passion for the Paranormal" podcast, interviewed Author/Medium Rob Gutro about some of the paranormal investigations and ghosts he encountered, that are featured the new book "Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking!" Rob also talked about the development of his friendship with Ed's spirit- a man he never met when Ed was alive, but he was able to befriend between worlds.
Tune in to this 60 minute podcast and experience the ghosts and a spirit friendship.
ABOUT PASSION FOR THE PARANORMAL: Passion for the Paranormal airs twice monthly with new episodes on the 1st and 15th of every month, covering a wide range of paranormal phenomena, to include UFO and Extraterrestrial subjects; Ghostly Encounters and Hauntings; Sasquatch; Near Death and Out of Body Experiences; the Nature of Consciousness; Psychic and Mediumship and other paranormal topics. The host has in-depth and engaging discussions with well know paranormal authors and researchers, even discussing issues and concerns skeptics might have.
Offer a review of the show on Apple Podcast link below and I'll mention your review on an upcoming episode.
Intro and outro music by: Sergey Cherimisinov