Each week, I'll answer a question about the paranormal, whether a
general question, or one about human or animal ghosts (Earthbound) or spirits
(crossed over). Here's this week's question:
Q: How do spirits exist and can they see us? Are they
energized life forms, and if so, can this be detected by fluctuations in
physical fields or sensing technology of some sort?
A: After our physical bodies die, the energy within couples
with our memories, personality and knowledge. We make a choice to stay
Earthbound at a fixed location - what I call a ghost, or cross over and join
the energies of the universe- which I call a spirit.
Think of spirits
as photons of light - so yes, they can see us. In the paranormal field we use
electromagnetic field detectors - similar to what an electrician uses to detect
an electrical current.
Rob Gutro's 5 books on the paranormal, visit: www.amazon.com.
All of Rob's books were written to help explain the paranormal, and teach
readers how to find signs from spirit.