- Look for pennies or other coins on the ground. Check the year, too- because it has some significance. I was out walking our dogs and found a Quarter with the year 1981 on it. That was the year my grandmother passed, so guess who dropped that coin for me? Thanks, Nana.
- One Thanksgiving, my friend Lynn's brother Michael came to me with messages for her. He told me things I had no idea about, including that they had the same eye color. SO, be vigilant and don't dismiss happenings- our loved ones DO come back during the holidays to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Hanukkah." Just be aware that they're around you, too, even if you Don't get see or hear any signs.
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Rob Gutro
QUESTION: When do spirits come to us?
ANSWER: When they have something to tell us. One of those times are usually around holidays, birthdays or anniversaries. Spirits maintain their memories and their personalities when they pass, so, yes, they'll remember your birthday and they'll visit on the holidays.

In fact, recently a week before my birthday I got a wonderful surprise visit from my late Dad, to wish me a happy birthday. After my other half went to work (early), I crawled back into bed and put our three dogs on the bed (one is large). We napped for about 20 minutes, and then I heard my father's voice call my name from what sounded like the kitchen! All three dogs immediately picked up their heads and looked up, and I responded "yes, I'm here!" (of course, I realized in a second that it was my dad, and no one else was home).
What's cool is that all three dogs ALSO heard him! I also figured out that the reason Dad came to say hello was because my birthday was within a week. Spirits often recognize birthdays and anniversaries!

Rob Gutro's books are available in paperback and E-book on Amazon.com.
1) Ghosts and Spirits
2) Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead
3) Pets and the Afterlife
4) Pets and the Afterlife 2
5) Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation