Rob's Books, Medium Readings, Animal Rescue Fundraisers

BOOKS: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife 3, Pets and the Afterlife 4, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit, Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Ghosts and Spirits Explained BEST SELLERS: All of Rob's books have reached "best-seller" status on in various paranormal categories. PET SPIRIT READINGS: Now offered via email and done on weekends. Reserve a spot thru Paypal. Email me at Send 1 Photo of your pet, their name, and any questions.ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISING LECTURES : Rob is a dog dad, volunteers with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and does fundraising lectures for dog and cat rescues.
Showing posts with label Paranormal Q and A:. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paranormal Q and A:. Show all posts

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Paranormal Q and A: When was the first time you realize you could communicate with the other side and what was that experience like?

Each week, I'll answer a question about the paranormal, whether a general question, or one about human or animal ghosts (Earthbound) or spirits (crossed over). Here's this week's question: 

QUESTION: When was the first time you realize you could communicate with the other side and what was that experience like?;

ANSWER: I was 13  years old. My grandfather had passed in January of 1977 and appeared to me in July of that year. It so happened that he appeared in the same month as his birthday (which I now understand that spirits reappear around birthdays, anniversaries and holidays for the most part). - I was sitting in my parents' house, in the kitchen, and our family dog was sitting next to me. I was drawing my own superhero comic books when I looked up.

Two rooms away, looking through our dining room into the living room, I watched, transfixed as little orbs of light coalesced into a full color figure of my grandfather!

I grabbed the dog and ran out the door, where I sat outside on the steps until my parents came home from wherever they went. I told my mom and she understood (she had the gift but was afraid to use it).  I later understood it was really not supposed to be frightening- just a 'hello, I'm safely on the other side."

For Rob Gutro's 8 books on the paranormal, visit: All of Rob's books were written to help explain the paranormal, and teach readers how to find signs from spirit.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Paranormal Q and A: Why don’t ghosts want to cross over? And have you spoken to the ones that did?

 Each week, I'll answer a question about the paranormal, whether a general question, or one about human or animal ghosts (Earthbound) or spirits (crossed over). Here's this week's question: 

QUESTION: Why don’t ghosts want to cross over? And have you spoken to the ones that did?

ANSWER:  People say behind for a lot of reasons. Mostly I have found that people who are very religious stay behind because they remember some bad things they may have done in their life and they are scared that they won't go to heaven. Which is really unfounded. Because everybody cross is over

Others think they can help their relatives cope with their own deaths, but they can't. They can more easily help them if they cross over and become a spirit.
Some wake up on the other side after being murdered or in an accident and are confused and linger too long and get stuck

For Rob Gutro's 8 books on the paranormal, visit: All of Rob's books were written to help explain the paranormal, and teach readers how to find signs from spirit.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Paranormal Q and A: Are some people more perceptive to paranormal activities than others?

Each week, I'll answer a question about the paranormal, whether a general question, or one about human or animal ghosts (Earthbound) or spirits (crossed over). Here's this week's question: 

QUESTION:  Are some people more perceptive to paranormal activities than others and what are the reasons for your answer?

ANSWER:  Yes, some people are more perceptive than others for a number of reasons. First, it can run in a family. I have the gift and my mother and her father had it. Other people who don't inherit it, can develop it. Usually those who find it easier to tune in to Earth bound ghosts or spirits who have crossed over are optimists and / or are emotional. People who are pessimists and hide their emotions set up a blockade to spirit.  
  If you think about it, everyone has the ability. Did you ever walk into a room and sense that there was someone you may want to approach and talk with, as well as someone you want to avoid? You're reading their energy. Mediums do that with dead people (or pets).

For Rob Gutro's 8 books on the paranormal, visit: All of Rob's books were written to help explain the paranormal, and teach readers how to find signs from spirit.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Paranormal Q and A: What really stands out in this investigation that leads you to believe something truly paranormal exists at this location?

Each week, I'll answer a question about the paranormal, whether a general question, or one about human or animal ghosts (Earthbound) or spirits (crossed over). Here's this week's question:

 QUESTION: What really stands out in this investigation that leads you to believe something truly paranormal exists at this location? 

IGT investigating a home with a ghost
ANSWER: I'm unsure which investigation you're referring to, but on every investigation we always debunk things first. With an architect on staff, he knows what sounds occur and what things happen when a house settles or ages. I'm a meteorologist, so I know that cold shrinks wood and wooden doors can open in winter, for example. I take into account temperature, pressure and humidity. It's when we can't debunk something that we consider it paranormal.

Movement of objects without an explanation. Thermal anomalies on infrared cameras where there's nothing visible or felt.

 In addition, whenever we get an anomaly, like a temperature drop at the same time a medium is sensing an entity, that's a small confirmation.

 For Rob Gutro's 8 books on the paranormal, visit: All of Rob's books were written to help explain the paranormal, and teach readers how to find signs from spirit.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Paranormal Q and A: What would you say is the most memorable moments you’ve felt while connecting with your pet in the afterlife?

Each week, I'll answer a question about the paranormal, whether a general question, or one
about human or animal ghosts (Earthbound) or spirits (crossed over). Here's this week's question:

QUESTION: What would you say is the most memorable moments you’ve felt while connecting with your pet in the afterlife? 

ANSWER: Getting the first signs from my puppy Buzz when he passed. After the accident that took his life, I was standing outside of the veterinary practice with 2 other friends. Buzz wanted me to know that he's still very much alive, and did so by showing me
and the other 2 people a physical sign - Suddenly, with no wind, and no animal around, the lid on the trash can popped off and flew into the air several feet. All of us were surprised and looked for an explanation. That's when I heard him say "I'm still here, dad." That was one of the first signs for many to come.

 I had several with our other dog Sprite who connected with the spirits of my dad and our friend Ed who passed. I wrote about them in my "Pets and the Afterlife" book (the story is too long to convey here).

 For Rob Gutro's 7 books on the paranormal, visit: All of Rob's books were written to help explain the paranormal, and teach readers how to find signs from spirit.