Recently I received a couple of questions about reincarnation and Pets in spirit. Here are the Q and A;
1) Do you do a reincarnation connection? I can't tell you what spirits will come back as, but I do know that we all DO come back. So, she will return and be connected to everyone she was connected with in this life (after everyone passes). People and pets wait to come back until everyone they know in this life has passed (there are exceptions, and some do come back more quickly, but it seems to be rare).

2) When you say pets have the intelligence of a 3-5 year old, you mean while they are in their fur bodies, right? Yes.
As I cite in my Pets and the Afterlife books, Dr. Stanley Coren (who wrote several books on the intelligence of dogs and cats) assessed that they have the same level of intelligence of a 3 to 5 year old human child. When they get to the other side, the do develop more of an awareness and knowledge in spirit- which enables them to communicate with the living!
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