Rob's Books, Medium Readings, Animal Rescue Fundraisers

BOOKS: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife 3, Pets and the Afterlife 4, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit, Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Ghosts and Spirits Explained BEST SELLERS: All of Rob's books have reached "best-seller" status on in various paranormal categories. PET SPIRIT READINGS: Now offered via email and done on weekends. Reserve a spot thru Paypal. Email me at Send 1 Photo of your pet, their name, and any questions.ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISING LECTURES : Rob is a dog dad, volunteers with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and does fundraising lectures for dog and cat rescues.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Interview tonight at 8pm EDT on Double Talk Radio

Tonight, October 15, Wednesday frm 8-9pm EDT I have an Interview with DK (aka Ken) from Double Talk Radio for "ShocktOber"
(usually Airing at 9pm Eastern) on AllradioX and Power Radio. 
CALL IN 231-544-7144 

About the show: 
Double K started on the internet with a podcast he created called Double Talk Radio, DTR was broadcast though more has a live radio show, rather than a recorded podcast. It all started on Talkshoe with medicore audio and production. Together with his then Co-hosts Violette Illusions and Producer Scotty. He then moved the show to Z Talk Radio and hence the true live talk radio in prime time adventure began. On Z talk his main co host was DJ Chris, with on again off again commitments with Violette Illusions. Also a stint hosting At the Water Cooler Today DK is COO and owner of DTR Productions which produces, creates and manages Podcasts and Live Internet Radio shows. He currently has one show on air Double Talk Radioi. DTR productions also does proffesional voice overs and provides voices for audio books.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Podcast: Spirits wreak havoc during my interview on Paranormal TV

I had a great interview with Noreen Belovich, host of Paranormal TV Zone about the "Lessons learned from talking to the Dead" on October 9th, but it was cut short due to technical difficulties. Noreen pieced two parts of it together into one, as we talked about ghosts and spirits in general. You can hear it here!

BTW- The reason for the technical difficulties were that I sensed three female spirits and one male spirit in the room with Noreen who all wanted to give her messages. I sent her an email explaining who they were and what they told me. :) - SO, On DECEMBER 11th, Thursday at 9pm EDT, Noreen is having me back for a return visit! 

Monday, October 13, 2014

A Spirit at the Baltimore Comic-Con!

Me and a female Green Lantern
You never know when a spirit is going to drop in on you or influence you to go a certain direction. That's exactly what happened to me when I recently attended the big Baltimore Comic-Con(vention). There were a lot of cool costumed heroes and villains walking around the Baltimore Comic-con, and here are some pictures that I took with some of them. I went dressed in costume as the superhero Green Lantern again this year. 
The Avengers and Rob as Green Lantern

I got to pose for a picture with the "Avengers" from the Marvel Comics series (and movie). From left to right are the characters: Hawkeye, Venom, Captain America, (me as Green Lantern) and Thor, the God of Thunder. 

A SPECIAL SPIRIT VISITS AT COMIC-CON:  You never know when someone who passed is going to be standing beside you, and our friend Ed, who passed in 1996 was with me at the Comic-con today. He used to read Uncle Scrooge comics (even as an adult) and laugh out loud at them. When I was walking around with Stacey and Tom R. we came across Scrooge McDuck's illustrator!   I knew that Ed was standing right there with me and he was as excited as I was!  

Don Rosa, Illustrator


Keno Don Hugo Rosa, known simply as Don Rosa (born June 29, 1951), is an American comic book writer and illustrator known for his stories about Scrooge McDuck, Donald Duck and other Disney characters. 
WHO IS SCROOGE MC DUCK?   - Scrooge McDuck is a cartoon character created in 1947 by Carl Barksand licensed by The Walt Disney Company. Scrooge is an elderly Scottish anthropomorphic Pekin Duck with a yellow-thrift, and within the context of the fictional Disney universe, he is the world's richest person. Named after Ebenezer Scrooge from the 1843 novel A Christmas Carol, Scrooge is a wealthy Scottish business magnate and tycoon.

Want to learn more about how spirits communicate? 
 Check out my Book: LESSONS LEARNED FROM TALKING TO THE DEAD: Follow Rob on a treasure-hunt-style journey in Virginia as he and others try to explain what appear to be random and obscure words, signs and symbols from a spirit, that all wind up being intensely personal to the spirit.Explore the science behind how they communicate. Learn how to receive their messages, where they appear, and important messages in how to live your life. Rob takes you into cemeteries, battlefields, and historic places. You’ll see what happens to victims of suicide and murders, and how infants and animals pass messages to the living. Featuring: Inspired Ghost Tracking and mediums Barb Mallon, Troy Cline and Ruth Larkin. 
Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead for $8.99 paperback and $2.99 E-bookon AMAZON: to Purchase from the CreateSpace eStore:

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Tonight! 9 p.m. EDT - Interview on The Wicked Domain Radio Show

October 12, Sunday at 9 p.m. EDT - Interview on The Wicked Domain Radio Show - "The Wicked Domain" airs bi-weekly on LiveParanormal and History.FM and explores paranormal topics that are a bit on the darker and edgier side. The show interviews experts, pioneers of new methodologies, and well-knowns from TV. LISTEN:

Amazing Time at the Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library

On Saturday, October 11 at 1 p.m. EDT  I gave a talk at the Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library at 7584 Leesburg
Me and our three dogs: Dolly, Franklin and Tyler (L to R)
Pike, Falls Church, VA 22403
  Librarian Nora Wickert found me on Google, and emailed me with the prospect of giving a talk about m "Pets and the afterlife." I jumped at the chance to reach more people to give hope and comfort as they grieve the loss of their pets and relatives and friends.  
  The room was crowded, and I really appreciated everyone coming out in the rain (it was a cold, damp, rainy day in Northern Virginia). I explained that pets communicate with us from the other side using a lot of the same methods that people communicate. 
  There were a lot of great questions from the audience and people shared their experience with human and pet spirits. Some of the energy in the room choked me up during the talk- but that's what happens. The passing of a person or pet is an emotional experience, and I FEEL their emotions. So, I got choked up a couple of times.  (So if you hear me talk and I get choked up, it's because spirit is strong and sharing emotions with me - I can't help it!! - just like I can't help sometimes feeling the pain of their death, which they sometimes share).
   Thank you to everyone who came out to the talk. I hope that you learned how spirit communicates and that you find signs from your pets and people who have passed!

For more info about the Tysons-Pimmitt Library, visit:
ABOUT THE BOOK:   PETS AND THE AFTERLIFE by Rob Gutro: The loss of a pet is like the loss of a child to pet owners. The love we share with our pets never dies, and in a new book called "Pets and the Afterlife" by Rob Gutro, the author provides proof that our pets do communicate with us from the other side.    Available in paperback and E-book, on and other outlets at: To order paperback of Kindle- click here

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Adirondack Save a Stray- Fundraiser Fun!!

Over the weekend of Oct. 5-6 I flew to Albany, New York and did a talk about "Pets and the Afterlife"during a benefit dinner for Adirondack Save a Stray Rescue ( 
   Darlene and Meredith coordinated the event and it was elaborate, the dinner was wonderful, the decorations beautiful, music was enjoyable, and the people and spirits were amazing. 

Meredith (Center) and rescuers
   In fact, there were so many pets that came through to me I can't remember who's who!  The first spirit I ran into though was a little dog. His mom came to me and simply said he died in an accident. I got the message that it was a poisoning, and she confirmed it- totally surprised. That's how spirit works. Her spirit dog's message was that his mom needed not to feel guilty - and she was carrying guilt (unnecessarily) . It was a very healing visit.
the buffet line

Beautiful foliage outside the window

An owl visitor at the event
   I remember one other gentleman named Mike who brought a picture of his beautiful white dog who passed in 1987 and wanted him to come through, but instead Mike's mother came through -and was very stubborn and strong, not letting Mike's dog have his "turn." Mike did understand the messages from his mom, though. :) 
    The Adirondack Save-a-Stray dinner’s second speaker, Ladybird Light owner Lindsey Bodkin, is a Reiki teacher who specializes in animal healing and communication. 
    I had never been to Glens Falls, NY or Saratoga Springs before- and this was a treat (although I flew in in the afternoon and flew out Sunday by noon! - What a beautiful area!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Rob Gutro will be interviewed on WBZ Radio's NightSide program w/host Dan 10pm EDT!

host Dan Rea
Tonight, Friday, October, 10 at 10 p.m. EDT- Rob Gutro will be  interviewed on WBZ Radio's NightSide program w/host Dan Rea.  Originating on AM 1030 radio in  Boston - It  is a clear channel station that can be heard all over U.S. East coast at night! 
 SO - 38 States Can Hear my Interview tonight on 1030AM at 10pm EDT! 

WBZ 1030 AM Radio
Rob Gutro
Rob will be talking about "Pets and the Afterlife" and his other books

ABOUT MY BOOK:   PETS AND THE AFTERLIFE by Rob Gutro: The loss of a pet is like the loss of a child to pet owners. The love we share with our pets never dies, and in a new book called "Pets and the Afterlife" by Rob Gutro, the author provides proof that our pets do communicate with us from the other side.    Available in paperback and E-book, on and other outlets at: To order paperback of Kindle- click here