Rob's Books, Medium Readings, Animal Rescue Fundraisers

BOOKS: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife 3, Pets and the Afterlife 4, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit, Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Ghosts and Spirits Explained BEST SELLERS: All of Rob's books have reached "best-seller" status on in various paranormal categories. PET SPIRIT READINGS: Now offered via email and done on weekends. Reserve a spot thru Paypal. Email me at Send 1 Photo of your pet, their name, and any questions.ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISING LECTURES : Rob is a dog dad, volunteers with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and does fundraising lectures for dog and cat rescues.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Q&A; Do Multiple Ghosts Interact? What about from Different Time Periods?

Here are some great questions from Chris W. about ghosts and interactions with other ghosts. I've provided my answers below, based on my experiences. 

1) Are ghosts aware of one another? Do you think they can interact with one another? or do you believe that the ghosts are mostly operating on their own layer of time (mostly anyway) and ignore ghosts from other time periods? 

A: I think they may be aware of each other, but in my experience, if there were more than one they don't tend to interact. Otherwise, I think we'd have ghostly team-ups, and that doesn't happen. It's always one ghost from one time period doing the talking. 
   I get the sense that when someone is a ghost they are fixated on getting the attention of the living to help set them free from their earthly prison, and don't bother with the other ghosts. It's somewhat of a selfish thing. 

2) Do Ghosts from Different time periods interact with each other? 
A:  When I visited England, I encountered ghosts from different time periods in one place - Westminster Abbey.  One was apparently the ghost of a king, another the ghost of a monk, and the third, the ghost of Ann of Cleves (One of Henry VIII's wives) who actually pulled my hair in front of her tomb. I didn't encounter these ghosts at the same time, and none of them seemed to be aware of the other or interact with each other. All had died in different time periods, the monk being the oldest, a few centuries before Ann of Cleves. So, that told me they either don't see each other or don't bother with each other out of their own time periods.

3) Do Ghosts from the Same Time Period Interact?  
I believe ghosts from the same time period do interact.  For example, in the "Double Murder Ghost Investigation" I participated in, there were two women who were brutally murdered in the same home. When I went there with another medium from Inspired Ghost Tracking, the ghosts of the women would talk with both myself and the other medium, so I know they were aware of each other and interacting with each other to convey their whole story.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Winner! Pets and the Afterlife 3- BookAuthority Award: 2021 Best New Grief Books

 Pets and the Afterlife 3 made it to the Best New Grief Books

The best new Grief books
I'm happy to announce that my book, "Pets and the Afterlife 3: Messages from Spirit Dogs", made it to BookAuthority's Best New Grief Books:
BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this kind of recognition. Thank you for all your support!
The book is available for purchase on Amazon.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Supernatural sites in the UK -Brookside Theatre

Brookside Theatre - Wikipedia
The UK  Daily Star Online provided a look at some haunted locations around Britain. I also had the pleasure of visiting England and you can read about my encounters with the ghosts there in my book "Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation," available on Amazon.   Here's today's haunt:  
Brookside Theatre 

Shocking footage emerged out of Essex in 2014, which reportedly showed an unnatural event. In the clip, it appears as if a chair moved on its own – just hours after a psychic medium had taken to the stage. The chair, it seemed, moved backwards unaided and a table looked as if it was getting pulled while orbs floated across the room.

Ray Roberts, the medium who performed at the theatre said in an interview with eh Romford Recorder, that it was proof of the paranormal. He said: “It’s phenomenal. I’ve never been so excited about the possibility of ghosts before. This is the best footage I’ve seen of ghosts in action.”

You can read about MY encounters with some of England's ghosts in my book "GHOSTS OF ENGLAND ON A MEDIUM'S VACATION by Rob Gutro:

What happens when a medium goes on vacation? Can a medium simply switch off their ability at will? Well…not exactly. Rob Gutro is a medium/author/paranormal investigator and a scientist who has written 4 books about his encounters with human and animal ghosts and spirits. In this book, you will read about his experiences on two separate trips to the United Kingdom. England’s rich history and many epic battles have caused an over-abundance of residual emotional energy. Everywhere he traveled, he had a paranormal experience. He explored royal palaces and spent the night in haunted castles. He encountered the ghosts of historical figures including a queen, a prince, and a nobleman; and several ghosts even shared their pain of death experience with him. On one occasion, the doppelganger of a loved one provided directions when he became lost while driving in the countryside due to a malfunctioning GPS.
But not all of his encounters were of the human variety: there was also a very special visit from a canine ghost. This book is intended to be more than just a collection of personal ghost stories. In addition to relating my ghostly encounters, he has also included a short narrative history of the places where the experiences occurred. After all, knowing the history of a place is key to understanding why a ghost has decided to stay behind. So, join Rob as he relates his encounters with the ghosts of England. Rob has written 4 other books about the paranormal, two about people (Ghosts and Spirits and Lessons Learned From Talking to the Dead) and 2 about pets (Pets and the Afterlife and Pets and the Afterlife 2). The books are available in paperback and e-book on

Friday, October 15, 2021

Happy Birthday to Ed's Spirit - Subject of my book: "Kindred Spirits: When a Medium Befriends a Spirit"

Today marks the birthday of Ed G, the special spirit I befriended who has been around me for over 15 years. 
  I never knew Ed in life, but have come to know him so well in spirit through his many messages and appearances in various ways (including sending a look-alike to rescue Tom and me when we got lost in a forested area in England on vacation). He also helped solve the mystery around his own passing. Ed and his amazing afterlife communications are the topics of my best-selling book "Kindred Spirits: When a Medium Befriends a Spirit."     Today would have been his 61st birthday. 
   Last month he helped me out on vacation in Greece and sent me a signature coin (He loves sending coins to show me he's around. He calls them "Jingle" and you can read about that in Kindred Spirits. 
     He visited again this week, too, which is no surprise since spirits visit around their birthdays. It's also the same week as my birthday (we were born 2 days and 2 years apart), so he's been around to wish me a happy birthday, too. Both that sign and the Greece vacation appearances will be in the upcoming book: "Kindred Spirits 2" which I continue to write! 
    Since I published his story in 2019, he's let me know that he's proud of it and excited. His communications are an example to all, teaching everyone how all spirits can communicate. Ed has proven that spirits are very, very much alive and with us long after their physical selves are gone. 

   Check out my book at and get to know Ed! After all, it's his birthday! It's 
a nice way to wish him a happy birthday and give yourself a gift of understanding of how the spirits of your loved ones communicate. 
- Rob

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Dog Spirits Can make you smell wet fur - Read Pets and the Afterlife by Rob Gutro

A year after your dog or cat passed, do you suddenly find yourself smelling wet fur and there's no other animal in the house? If your dog liked swimming in a pond and would smell of wet fur, that's him paying a visit (Cats would be likely be from baths!) That's not uncommon. It's just another way that pets can communicate they are still around in spirit.  You can read about more signs in Rob Gutro's books  Pets and the Afterlife 1, 2 or 3.

Are you grieving after the loss of your dog or cat?  These books can help you work through your grief by showing you how their spirits are still very much around. 

The love we share with our pets never dies, and there's proof that our pets do communicate with us from the other side, just as people do who pass. I'm a scientist, medium, author and paranormal investigator who has had many experiences with ghosts and spirits, both pets and people, who have communicated messages that helped prove their identity. I've written Pets and the Afterlife 1,2 and 3 to teach people how to recognize the signs from their pets in spirit. 

Pet parents like me think about and mourn the loss of their pets often. Sometimes the grief feels inconsolable. One way to work through that grief is to understand that our pets are around us in spirit from time to time and visit us. You just need to be able to recognize those signs. In my two books I explain many of the ways that pets communicate with the living, to convey their presence. 
I've received emails from people around the world who have confirmed signs from their pets and have received comfort knowing their pets are very much around in spirit from time to time. 

All 3 are available on in paperback and Kindle.: 

Monday, October 11, 2021

In-Person Events, Interviews & Podcasts- Rob Gutro FALL SEASON 2021

I have many in-person events and on-line interviews and podcasts over the fall season, so Get in the Spirit and check them out!  It's a good way to celebrate Halloween and learn the truth about ghosts and spirits (and why Cemeteries aren't really haunted). 

 This is THE Season for Ghosts and Spirits, and I have 4 books (Amazon Bestsellers, thankfully) about my encounters with GHOSTS (and 1 about a special spirit and 3 about pets and the afterlife), written to TEACH  YOU what signs to look for from your loved ones who crossed over, and also earthbound ghosts. My books are all founded in the science of energy and as a scientist myself, it was easier to make sense of how entities use energy to communicate. My books take you on Paranormal Investigations and on a trip to a very Haunted England as well as answering ALL of your paranormal questions. 

Here are this fall's events with links and info! 


Oct. 16, Sat. from 2 to 3pm EDT - Rob joins the Baltimore Public Library Lecture series to talk about the Ghosts of England he met on vacation! Rose Frase | Assistant Library Manager Baltimore County Public Library | Perry Hall Branch 9685 Honeygo Boulevard, Perry Hall, MD 21128 410.887.5195    REGISTER NOW FOR THE OCT 16th EVENT  (to get the Zoom link)!/register/190779


Oct. 17, Sunday, 5 pm - Rob returned to David Cook's Ghostly Hour on KCOR Radio broadcasting from the United Kingdom to talk about his new book "Ghosts and Spirits Explained" Listen:


Oct. 20, Wed. 2021- Unsolved Mysteries CBS National Network Podcast - the podcast interviewed Rob and several who had pet spirit readings. Details to follow!


Sunday, Oct. 24- (Not Live) Rob returns to Sysco Murdoch's Journey through the Gate podcast series to talk about Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Pets and the Afterlife 3

**IN-PERSON  MARYLAND EVENT** (Register now, seats are limited)

Oct. 27, Wed. 1-4 p.m. EDT - "Strathmore Mansion's Haunted Tea Party" with Paranormal investigator Rob Gutro / $32; begin at 1pm. Call 301.581.5108 for reservations. Pre-paid, non-refundable reservations are required. Vegetarian option available; please request when placing your reservation. Reservations: Additional info about the Strathmore:


Oct. 30,  Sat. 9:30-10pm EDT  - Rob Talks Pets and the Afterlife and Ghosts and Spirits Explained with Jeremy Scott, Host of Into The Parabnormal   /Ranked #4 Show, #5 Podcast on the Paranormal Radio App Paranormal 13 , \Ranked #27 on the TSL Power 50/ Live Saturdays 7-9pm PT | 10pm-Mid ET \FM News 101 KXL: Saturdays Mid-2am /Twitter: @ParabnormalShow/ Facebook: @ParabnormalShow / Text: 818.672.6865


Nov. 5, Friday, at 7p.m. EDT - Ghosts Vs. Spirits Explained Lecture -at the Inspired Ghost Tracking monthly meeting, Hanover, Md. This lecture is based on IGT medium Rob Gutro's new book, that provides and in-depth look at the similarities and differences between Ghosts and Spirits


Nov. 20, Sat. at 5 pm EST - Simply Spooky's host William Becker welcomes Rob Gutro to talk about his new book "Ghosts and Spirits: Explained" LIVE on Facebook live:


Sat Night/Sunday Nov. 27/28 -Midnite to 3 a.m. EST)- Interview on Spaced Out Radio! Rob returns to talk about "Ghosts and Spirits Explained" - Spaced out Radio is from British Columbia, Canada! Host: Dave Scott. Twitter: @spacedoutradio


Dec 19, 11:30 pm EST to 2 am EST (Sunday/Mon. ) Rob Gutro returns with Jason Bland, host of Paranormal Soup Radio, talking about the new book "Ghosts and Spirits: Explained” and Christmas Ghosts. Here are the links for the streams on Facebook and YouTube and

Supernatural sites in the UK - Belgrave Hall

The UK Daily Star Online provided a look at some haunted locations around Britain. I also had the pleasure of visiting England and you can read about my encounters with the ghosts there in my book "Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation," available on Amazon.  Here's today's haunt:  
Belgrave Hall

Built in 1709, the quaint home was once famous for the wealthy businessmen who called the property home for hundreds of years. However, in recent years, Belgrave Hall has gained a reputation in 1998 when an apparent ghost was caught on camera outside the old home. The white figure gained so much attention that a whole news episode was dedicated to the apparent sighting on February 2 the following year. But ghost hunters think they might have worked out the origins of the spooky figure and concluded it’s much closer to the realm of nature than to the paranormal world. 

 Haunted Britain Investigations commented on a clip of the sighting, adding: “It turns out sycamore pods from a nearby tree are what was caught. “The cam is on a time-lapse of a few seconds and it looks like a figure appears, then vanishes.”
You can read about MY encounters with some of England's ghosts in my book "GHOSTS OF ENGLAND ON A MEDIUM'S VACATION by Rob Gutro:

What happens when a medium goes on vacation? Can a medium simply switch off their ability at will? Well…not exactly. Rob Gutro is a medium/author/paranormal investigator and a scientist who has written 4 books about his encounters with human and animal ghosts and spirits. In this book, you will read about his experiences on two separate trips to the United Kingdom. England’s rich history and many epic battles have caused an over-abundance of residual emotional energy. Everywhere he traveled, he had a paranormal experience. He explored royal palaces and spent the night in haunted castles. He encountered the ghosts of historical figures including a queen, a prince, and a nobleman; and several ghosts even shared their pain of death experience with him. On one occasion, the doppelganger of a loved one provided directions when he became lost while driving in the countryside due to a malfunctioning GPS.
But not all of his encounters were of the human variety: there was also a very special visit from a canine ghost. This book is intended to be more than just a collection of personal ghost stories. In addition to relating my ghostly encounters, he has also included a short narrative history of the places where the experiences occurred. After all, knowing the history of a place is key to understanding why a ghost has decided to stay behind. So, join Rob as he relates his encounters with the ghosts of England. Rob has written 4 other books about the paranormal, two about people (Ghosts and Spirits and Lessons Learned From Talking to the Dead) and 2 about pets (Pets and the Afterlife and Pets and the Afterlife 2). The books are available in paperback and e-book on

Saturday, October 9, 2021

More Proof Animals have the Same Emotions as People (as explained in Pets and the Afterlife 1, 2 and 3)

As I have written in my three Pets and the Afterlife books, animals have the same emotions as humans. They feel love, concern, care, anger, fear, and jealousy. But love is their greatest gift to humanity. Here's a story about a Canadian Goose who was injured and his mate insisted on joining him after a recovery. To better understand the scientific proof of any animal's behaviors, intelligence and behaviors, please read my books "Pets and the Afterlife" vol. 1, 2 or 3 by Rob Gutro (available on Amazon). As a scientist, I cite those studies in the book to help you understand how your pets can communicate from the afterlife. Now, here's the amazing story of Arnold and his mate. 


 Goose Taps On Animal Hospital’s Door, Comes To Comfort Injured Mate 

By Ashley McCann

Arnold the Canada goose is well-known around the New England Wildlife Centers in Massachusetts. He lives on a pond near their facility and has been with his mate for years.

When staff noticed Arnold was limping and falling over, they brought him in for an exam and learned that he had two open fractures on his foot. While they don’t know for sure how this happened, they believe a Snapping turtle or other predator attacked him while he was swimming.

They knew if they wanted to save his foot, they would have to perform surgery and a partial amputation. They put Arnold on pain medications and antibiotics and prepped him for surgery, but they never expected what happened next.

Before his surgery, staff heard a tapping at the clinic door. When they went to look at what it was, they were pleasantly surprised to find Arnold’s mate trying to get into the clinic. Unbeknownst to them, the mate somehow located Arnold and was demanding to see him. She stayed at the doorway during the whole surgery, never leaving Arnold’s sight!

Thankfully, Arnold’s surgery was a success and his foot will heal in time. Once he woke up from anesthesia, they brought Arnold to the door so he could see his mate, whom staff named Amelia. They opened the door, and Amelia began grooming him. A calming presence came over both of them once they were reunited.

Arnold had to remain under their care while his foot healed so they could continue to change his bandages and keep a close eye on him. Amelia continued to visit the door daily, and staff would bring Arnold near her so they could see each other. They even set up a temporary pen so the two love birds could share a meal together!


Once Arnold was healthy enough, he was returned to the wild. Amelia was right there waiting for him, and they took off together for a swim in the pond.

“We are not sure what they will do next, but we are so happy that they have the opportunity to do it together,” the center wrote on Facebook. “Arnold’s foot has healed well and today we got to see him both fly and swim. We are confident that he will have no trouble keeping up with his partner Amelia.”

Rob Gutro's Pets and the Afterlife books (Vol. 1, 2 and 3) available on under $10 each/Ebooks just $3.99 each) 

Friday, October 8, 2021

Great Halloween Books about REAL Ghosts and Spirits - Under $10 each!

 Halloween is coming- and you can learn the FACTS about Ghosts and Spirits, and their differences, how they communicate, how energy is the key to them, why and when your dead loved ones visit! Follow along on Paranormal Investigations that encountered murder and accident victims, poltergeist activity, and historic haunts. Check out Rob Gutro Author/Medium's books: Ghosts and Spirits Explained, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation and Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking. All on Amazon UNDER $10 Each! (ALL have been AMAZON BEST-SELLERS!)

#ghost #spirit #halloween #hauntedhouses #halloweenbooks #paranormal #paranormalactivity #paranormalinvestigation #amazonparanormal #Amazon

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Learn about the Haunted Old Yellow House and More in "Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking"

 A new book called "Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking," by best-selling paranormal author Rob Gutro takes readers on paranormal investigations into private and historic homes where ghosts were traumatizing families. 
   Learn about the Old Yellow House, a haunted childhood home of IGT founder Margaret Erhlich, and how the ghosts inspired her to form the paranormal team many years later that brought the team into many strange situations. 
   Rob, a medium in the Inspired Ghost Tracking paranormal group, announced the release of his seventh paranormal book that brings readers along on investigations and reveals some bizarre and shocking things the group found and how they helped the ghosts and families.     

"When earthbound ghosts have traumatized families in their own homes, Inspired Ghost Tracking (IGT) of Maryland has gone in to cross them over," Gutro said. "Every case is different, too. Some have had earthbound ghosts that were friendly, others were not. IGT experienced a lot of bad energies that caused people to become physically sick or mentally traumatized. IGT investigators had to figure who, what, when and why things were happening, to finally bring peace to the living and the dead."  

In this collection of IGT cases, you’ll read about the "Burned Ghost," ghosts of two different time periods in one home, dark things that Ouija boards brought into homes, a very haunted Maryland mansion, many ghosts of Baltimore’s Federal Hill, a ghostly attachment, a Steelworker’s ghost, poltergeist activity, the famous IGT “Double Murder Ghost Investigation” and many more.

You'll find answers to questions like why ghosts choose to stay in a place, the differences and similarities between ghosts and spirits, why energy is the key to the paranormal and much more.

Although Rob has become known as a "Pet Medium" through the success of his best-selling books "Pets and the Afterlife" and "Pets and the Afterlife 2," he also connects with human earthbound ghosts and spirits.

Gutro is the first in the paranormal field to make the distinction between earthbound ghosts and spirits who have crossed over. Rob has three books about his experience with human ghosts and spirits, called "Ghosts and Spirits," "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead," and "Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation," and most recently, "Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit."   

Rob Gutro has been featured in the Washington Post and nationally syndicated radio programs like "Coast to Coast AM." Rob is a volunteer with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and gives fundraising lectures for animal rescues around the U.S., teaching grieving pet parents how pets communicate from the afterlife.   

Amazon Author Page: 