Rob's Books, Medium Readings, Animal Rescue Fundraisers

BOOKS: Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife 3, Pets and the Afterlife 4, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead, Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation, Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre on a Medium's Vacation, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit, Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking and Ghosts and Spirits Explained BEST SELLERS: All of Rob's books have reached "best-seller" status on in various paranormal categories. PET SPIRIT READINGS: Now offered via email and done on weekends. Reserve a spot thru Paypal. Email me at Send 1 Photo of your pet, their name, and any questions.ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISING LECTURES : Rob is a dog dad, volunteers with Dachshund and Weimaraner rescues and does fundraising lectures for dog and cat rescues.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

In the news: 'Ghost child' caught on camera by teens at Christmas dinner - or is it?

'Ghost child' caught on camera by teens at Christmas dinner - or is it?

The pair said the female 'ghost' had cuts to its head and sunken eyes

Two teenagers claim to have taken a picture of a ghost while they were out for a Christmas dinner.

Sophie Killip and Kayleigh Lomas, both 19, took a picture of the long tables and decorations decked out ready for a Christmas party.

But when they examined the snap an hour later they noticed a ghostly dark-haired child sitting at the end of the table.
The girl, who appeared to have cuts on her head, wore old fashioned clothes and seemed to be staring straight at the camera from sunken eyes.

"The table was just one down from us and nobody was sat there so we took a photo of the decorations because they were really nice," spooked Sophie, a student, said.

"There was nothing there at the time but when we looked back at the photo we couldn't believe it. It was pretty scary and I felt creeped out.
*****************************To learn more about how ghosts and spirits appear, check out the book 
"Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead" by author/medium/paranormal investigator Rob Gutro.  Available on in e-book and paperback


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Seeking an amazing Spirit Reading ? Beantown Medium

If you're looking for a reading from an amazing medium, contact my good friend Ruthie Larkin, known as the Beantown Medium. She does phone, group, in-person readings, Reiki sessions, house clearings and she's a medical intuitive. We've done several events together and you will be amazed. Check her out at 

Rob Gutro and Ruthie Larkin will be appearing in Massachusetts together on Sept. 17 &18 (Sat/Sun), 2016 10AM to 6PM /2 DAY PET EXPO! 7th Annual New England Pet Expo , Shriners Auditorium in Wilmington star Free Parking & Admission star Bring Your Pet !
 ‪#‎mediums‬ ‪#‎paranormal‬ ‪#‎ghost‬ ‪#‎spirit‬ ‪#‎afterlife‬ ‪#‎beantownmedium‬

Friday, January 15, 2016

Great Book: Ghosts and Legends of the Carolina Coasts

I recently enjoyed the book "Ghosts and Legends of the Carolina Coasts" by Terrance Zepke. A friend of mine bought this for me while on vacation, and it's a great book! 
  The book contains encounters and legends from the coastal regions of North and South Carolina. It's nicely formatted and has nice illustrations in it, too.
  There were quite a number of stories that really stayed with me in this collection. One that I won't forget was about a Judge in Maine who accused a woman of being a witch (who may have had alzheimers or dementia). He not only accused her, he presided over her hearing, and readily sent her to death. She told him her foot and leg would come back from the grave and kick him after he died. It did. 
 - Although the judge moved to the Carolinas and was buried there, the mysterious outline of a foot appeared on his giant tombstone (several times as the first time, it was sandblasted off). There's a photo in the book of the outline of a leg and foot on the tombstone.
  So, whether you live in the Carolinas, visit them, or just want interesting ghost stories, this is a really good read.  - Rob 

Lessons Learned, Ghosts and Spirits
For my (Rob Gutro) books: "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead," "Pets and the Afterlife" and the new book "Pets and the Afterlife 2" -  visit   (or click this link) 
Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Video short: Looking after London's ghosts: The Archaeological Archive

Here's a fascinating Video short (2 mins): Looking after London's ghosts: The Archaeological Archive  
   What's it like to look after ancient artifacts that once belonged to real-life Londoners? Adam Corsini, Archaeology Collections Manager at the Museum of London's Archaeological Archive, reveals some of
his favorite objects and talks about the ghosts of London's past...
  (NOTE: Coming in 2017, my 5th book will be my experiences with "Ghosts of the British Isles" - so this was of particular interest to me- Rob)    
     Want to visit the archive? Take a look at the archaeology tours available via the Museum of London's website, here:

Sunday, January 10, 2016

January Interviews and Events for Rob Gutro, Author/Medium

January is going to be a busy kick off to 2016 for me. You can hear interviews with me on a number of paranormal radio shows and I'll also be doing an in-person event in the Baltimore/Washington area.
Hope you can tune in! --Rob

January Interviews and Events for Rob Gutro, Author/Medium

Jan. 12 3-5pm *Recording interviews with House of Mystery Radio and the Medium Julie Sav Radio show (U.K.) **

Jan. 22 (midnight Jan. 23) - Dark Thirty Radio Show Interviews Rob Gutro live from midnight to 2a.m. EST (Jan. 23) about Pets and the Afterlife

"Dark Thirty" with Jeremy Scott brings the paranormal nightly 9-Mid PT, Mid-3 ET on the Mutual Broadcast Network and heard on radio stations

Jan. 26, Tues. 7-8:30pm "Introduction to Ghost Investigation" class offered at the Belmont Manor & Historic Park, 6555 Belmont Woods Rd, Elkridge, MD 21075 . SUMMARY: Learn what it takes to go on a paranormal investigation. You'll learn about the equipment used in investigations, how they are conducted, and more. You'll also learn the difference between ghosts and spirits. This 90 minute class is offered to the public (registration required) hosted by Inspired Ghost Tracking. Contact at Belmont Manor: Cathy Allen at or Mary Ellen Baker, General Manager, at or 410-313-4632.

Jan. 29 at 10 p.m. EST - Interview on Beyond the Grave Radio -Host Christina Corsetti to talk with Rob Gutro about Pets and the Afterlife. YouTube Radio link: Facebook page:

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Thank you! Pets and the Afterlife in Top 20 Paranormal Books!

Wow. Today, January 9, 2016, my book "Pets and the Afterlife" reached the top 20 in paranormal books on Amazon Kindle.
   I've received many emails from readers from the U.S., Italy, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, France and other countries who have said that the book has helped them understand how their pets are communicating with them from the other side, and how it has helped bring comfort.  That's exactly why I wrote the book.
   I also receive emails every week from grieving pet parents around the world. Fortunately, I've been able to connect with their pets and provide them messages. I don't do this for a living- I do this on my own time to help bring peace, comfort and understanding to everyone (like me) who lost a beloved pet.
  So, thank you for telling grieving pet parents about the "Pets and the Afterlife" book, and I hope this has brought you and them some comfort.
  Sincerely, Rob Gutro

ON JANUARY 9, 2016

Friday, January 8, 2016

Paredolia and Seeing "Paranormal" Things

One part of paranormal investigating is debunking things. One aspect of debunking is about disproving something that someone sees in a design or background. We do that when others do not see the image and / or there are no temperature changes, electrical discharges, or a medium doesn't sense anything. 
  There has to be some back up. What's interesting is that when you look at something, and someone tells you what they've seen, you can also envision the object there. Does that mean it's there? No.
  It's likely  Pareidolia. 
man on horseback?

What's Paredolia? It's a psychological phenomenon involving a stimulus (an image or a sound) wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something where none actually exists.

Common examples are perceived images of animals, faces, or objects in cloud formations, the "man in the moon", the "moon rabbit", and hidden messages within recorded music played in reverse or at higher- or lower-than-normal speeds.

Earlier this week, my friend Scott in Ohio found an article and photo of a graveyard, where a person said he sees a man on a horse. 
Well, I didn't see it until I read the headline, and then I could "kind of" see it. I was making out an outline of what I think a man on a horse looks like in my mind while looking at the photo. So, no, I don't think there was a ghost in the photo. (Link to the story:
Seeing a face in a bathtub

However, that doesn't mean that ghosts don't appear in photos. We have lots of proof that they do- both in visible pictures and infrared pictures.

So, next time you look up in the sky and you see an "elephant" in the clouds, it's not the ghost of an elephant, but paredolia. Just use discretion! 

Lessons Learned, Ghosts and Spirits
For Rob Gutro's books: "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead," "Pets and the Afterlife" and the new book "Pets and the Afterlife 2" -  visit   (or click this link) 
Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife

Monday, January 4, 2016

What are Demons, Angels? What are possessions, exorcisms?

Recently I gave a talk about my thoughts on demons and angels and other things known in religious lore. I was pleased to hear someone being interview on who share the same feelings about these entities: that they are life from other places in the universe.

Yes, demons and angels are the spirits of beings that lived in other parts of the universe. Think about it. There are well over 6,000 exoplanets (planets in other solar systems). In fact, we've even recently discovered water on Mars and Pluto, as well as some of the moons in our own solar system. Water has the ability to contain and maintain life. So, it would be arrogant to think that we are the only planet in the cosmos with life on it.
Credit: dws4me on Twitter

WHAT ARE DEMONS? Demons are extra-terrestrial life forms that died and like people and pets, became spirit. They don't live in a place called hell. That place was created in mythology long before christianity began. Demons are life forms that don't know what humans and animals are- we look strange to them as they do to us. Think of them like wild animals that don't know if you're going to harm them, so they get defensive and hostile toward those on Earth they don't recognize - all out of fear.

WHAT ARE ANGELS? Angels, like demons are also from another place in the universe and are spirit, but are protective and helpful instead of fear-based. Angels are also higher spirits in terms of connection to the source of all energies and bring positive emotional energies. They also help, guide and protect every living thing, person or animal anywhere in the universe.

Q: If demons are possibly aliens then what do you think causes possessions or do you believe those are spirit attachments?

A:  Ghosts and demons, both being energy beings, have the ability to enter into a person who is emotionally and mentally weak - a depressed person, a child, or someone who has mental illness, because those people are less likely to resist. It's rare, but there are cases of possession.

Q: If demons are not anti-religious beings why does an exorcism work on them?
A: As for the religious side, exorcisms - they mostly work not because of the religion- but because priests and people couple their positive energies to dispel and force out the negative energy. It's all about energy - and positive energy can force negative energy out.

 To learn more about how ghosts and spirits appear, check out the book "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead" by author/medium/paranormal investigator Rob Gutro.  Available on in e-book and paperback

Friday, January 1, 2016

Religions and Spirituality- Ghosts and Spirits

Today we'll look at religion and spirituality. This is a serious issue because being too steadfast in a belief has caused people to remain Earthbound.   
(In an upcoming blog ( Jan. 23) I will explain what prayer really is, and how it works especially in terms of ghosts and spirits.)

Most people use religion as a base to develop a faith. Then they grow from it. That's the way it should be, if you want to grow spiritually. Remember that religions were all conceived by mankind. Spirituality is the energies within and around us. 

That's not saying you can't belong to a religion and be spiritual. You can, although most people leave religions because of constraints.

CONSTRAINTS I ENCOUNTERED - As a former catholic, when I was growing up I was told that talking to the dead is actually talking to the "devil." (Baptist religions still believe this) That's ridiculous. It's also something that was discouraged because the churches couldn't control what you heard.
   Besides, I have no "evil motive" when I convey messages. They are messages from loved ones in spirit (people and pets). I don't know the people I get messages for and often never see them again.
*What's new in 2015: Britain's Psychic World newspaper in its July edition says there are "Major changes to Roman Catholic views as The Vatican says it is OK to talk to the Dead." - per Rev. Gino Concetti, chief theological commentator for the Vatican Italian journal. "L'Osservatore Romano".

DANGERS - As someone who has been able to communicate with ghosts and spirits since I was 13, I've heard a lot from people on the other side about how constraints of religion made their life and the lives of the people around them very unpleasant (during their time on Earth).  Often times, an Earth-bound ghost or spirit will ask their family or friends for forgiveness because the ghost or spirit mis-treated others because of their strict religious beliefs.

WHY IS A MORE "CONSERVATIVE RELIGIOUS" PERSON MORE LIKELY TO BE AN EARTH-BOUND GHOST? - Religions teach that if you do something wrong in life and feel like you can't be forgiven, or generally live your life as a not-so-good, not-so-caring person, you'll go to "Hell."  So, whenever very "religious" people die, often times I've encountered them as ghosts because they are horrified that they will see hell on the other side of the light (which is ridiculous). So, people who are "conservative religious" are afraid to go into the light once they pass for fear of going to a hell. Hell, ironically, is remaining trapped as an Earth-bound ghost for eternity.

1) A friend's father was an ultra-conservative Baptist who made his family's life miserable. He didn't mind beating his kids either "in Jesus' name," and because his preacher told him it was acceptable to do so (this was in the 1960s and 1970s). He also didn't mind giving away a lot of the family's income to the church, so they struggled to pay bills. That's warped and dangerous.  If a religion causes someone to put their church before the equal and kind treatment of others, than it's a dangerous "religion." 
DANGERS TODAY: Even today, there are still a few "preachers" who have told parents it's acceptable to beat up children who are gay, in the name of Jesus. Look it up on the Internet. It's appalling.

2) Another friend who is gay, was put through an exorcism by his ultra-conservative religious parents. That ridiculous act was emotionally traumatic to my friend as a young man. This is an extreme case where a sect of religion warped the views of people.

3) Many "ultra-conservative religious" people across the U.S. who learned their child is gay either threw the kids out on the street  (which is pure evil) in the name of their god, or have driven their children to suicide. I know several friends who wanted to commit suicide because of parents who were so strict in their religious beliefs. 
    So, there's a danger in being so "firm" in your beliefs, especially when it opens the door to harm others in any way. Grow from your faith, welcome and love all others, especially those who are unlike you. Show the LOVING side of your religion. Accept everyone. Love everyone. Put yourself in their shoes.
 To learn more about how ghosts and spirits appear, check out the book "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead" by author/medium/paranormal investigator Rob Gutro.  Available on in e-book and paperback

Lessons Learned, Ghosts and Spirits
For Rob Gutro's books: "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead," "Pets and the Afterlife" and the new book "Pets and the Afterlife 2" -  visit   (or click this link) 
Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife

Monday, December 28, 2015

Soul 101: What is a Soul? Animal Souls, Souls Leaving Body

After a couple of recent radio interviews, it occurred to me that some people really don't have a good

idea about what a "soul" really is, and if they are limited to humans (for some reason). So, in today's blog, consider it a "Soul 101."

WHAT IS A SOUL? In many societies and religions it is the immortal essence of a living thing. A soul is actually the energy in EVERY living thing that combines memories and personalities.

DO ANIMALS HAVE SOULS?  Of course. Every living thing has a soul. To think otherwise is crazy.
Animals (and dinosaurs) lived and died on Earth long before humans ever showed up. They survived because they had intelligence, instinct, emotions, memories, and their own personalities. After all, what makes one animal a pack leader and not all of them? Why are some animals shy? easily frightened? bold? challenging? That's personality. They all have it, just as humans do. 

WHO QUESTIONS IT AND WHERE DID THE CRAZY IDEA COME FROM? According to most of the Abrahamic religions, only human beings have immortal soulsEvangelical-Biblical Literalist, Baptists and Church of Christ churches believe animals have no soul.

Recently, the catholic faith even proclaimed that "Animals and plants" have souls  - but they put a "limit" on their statement thinking pets don't have conceptual intelligence, which I assure you, THEY DO. 
Why the Catholic faith (the one I grew up in and out of) thinks anything but people can be spirit is non-sensical. A spirit is a spirit. Period. That's like thinking because you have a college degree you'll be a spirit, but your neighbor who didn't go to college isn't smart enough to be a spirit in the afterlife. Do you see why it is a ridiculous argument? 

I'm unsure where that belief came from but as you can see from the logic above, it's absolutely untrue. Any living thing that can figure out how to survive, from a bird to an ant to wild boar has a soul. They have intelligence and a soul. Only ZOMBIES are soul-less. :)

DOES ANY MAN-MADE RELIGION BELIEVE ANIMALS HAVE SOULS?  Yes. Sikhism, Hinduism, Orthodox, Mormonism believe (and understand that animals have souls.  Islam and Judaism have conflicting beliefs- some sects believe it, others do not. 

BOTTOM LINE: For anyone who loses a pet and says "Animals don't have souls" please assure them they do, and they will be with us in paradise/other side/heaven/Valhalla, whatever you want to call it where all of the energies reside after the physical life is over. To think that any living thing doesn't have a soul is truly ridiculous. Animals have lived eons before mankind ever walked the Earth and they would never have survived if they couldn't think, feel and learn. 

Lessons Learned, Ghosts and Spirits
For Rob Gutro's books: "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead," "Pets and the Afterlife" and the new book "Pets and the Afterlife 2" -  visit   (or click this link) 
Pets and the Afterlife 2, Pets and the Afterlife