Today, July 29 would have been my puppy Buzz Wyatt's 6th birthday. Buzz came to me as a birthday gift from a friend- and Buzz changed my life for the better. At first challenging to learn how to raise a pup, I learned unconditional love as he helped nurse Buzz back to health, as Buzz contracted pneumonia the first week they were together. Buzz had hospital overnight stays and I had him breathing steam, taking medications, etc. until he regained health, only to be taken away 4 months later by a speeding, reckless driver in Feb 2005. Buzz has come back many times and made his appearance known, to me, and our dogs Dolly and Franklin. We have his ashes in the house, and feel him around. Today, being his 6th birthday- I wanted to pay tribute to him and post some favorite photos, because that love never changes!
At 5:30pm EDT, Our friend and amazing medium, Barb Mallon called me tonight. She said that she was driving earlier today and thinking about me, when a dog appeared to have run in front of her car, in a gangly (clumsy) fashion, and as she went to slam on the brakes the dog vanished! She said she knew it was Buzz and verified that when she got home and checked facebook for my post about how today (7/29) would have been Buzz's 6th birthday.
Buzz was a puppy when he was tragically killed (when a leash opened and he dashed in front of a speeding car in 2005) and his feet were too big for him, so he tended to walk in a somewhat clumsy fashion. Barb's phone call of Buzz's appearance to her made my day.