This weekend I joined other members of the Inspired Ghost Tracking team to lead 3 groups of people from the general public through the historic Belmont Manor in Elkridge, Maryland on a paranormal investigation.
The Belmont Manor started a paranormal program in 2015 with IGT
members, where we give lectures and hold public ghost investigations. This
was the third investigation we've done and there were about 26 people
that paid for the event. All proceeds go directly to maintain the
historic mansion and we do it because we want to educate the public and
allow them the chance to investigate.
Belmont Manor |
The IGT Team
included Margaret, Ronda, Dana, Amy, Jimmy, Greg, Randy, Tom and Rob
(me). The event was about 3 hours long and started with an introduction
to the types of equipment used in a paranormal investigation from basics
like a flashlight (used to navigate in the dark, and also something
that ghosts can turn off or on, because they're beings of energy), to a
digital recorder, camera, electromagnetic field detector (to detect
energy/ghosts), an infrared camera that shows temperature changes
(ghosts absorb the heat energy from the atmosphere and create cold
spots), and other equipment. (
For Information about Inspired Ghost Tracking, visit: or
We split into three groups. Ronda, Tom and I led one group and we had a LOT of experiences. Here's what we found:
1) The Ghostly Little Girl - In one room (we won't say which) we sensed a little girl.
Tom and I have sensed her before. Last time she told me her name was
Amanda or Amelia and that she died at 6 of the flu. The ghostly girl
also told me last time she loved to hear to the piano being played from the ballroom on the first floor.
Ballroom that used to have the piano Amanda enjoyed hearing |
How did we get details on this ghost?
Ronda brought a small ball with lights and a battery that light up when
touched. She placed it on the bed in the room and it sat unlit until we
started asking the ghost questions. Ronda asked the little girl's ghost
if her name was "Amanda" and it lit up. Then asked if her name was
"Amelia" and it didn't light up. Ronda then asked if she was 14, and it
didn't light up. She asked if she was 6 years old and it lit up. Next,
Ronda asked Amanda if she died of the flu and felt pain in her chest.
The ball lit up. Other questions were asked, but there was no response.
When Ronda asked if she liked hearing piano music the ball again lit up
and stayed lit for some time.
2) The Portal - A
portal is a doorway of energy to another place. In one of the bedrooms
during a previous investigation many of us on the team sensed a portal,
and we learned that it went out to the cemetery in the backyard. What's
interesting is that those who are sensitive (not mediums) can stand
where the portal is located and feel tingling in their feet or legs.
Several people in the group experienced it.
(Randy (right) and Margaret) |
3) The Grumpy Male Ghost -
In another room, we previously sensed that a man died of a heart
attack, Troy and I both got that impression and Ronda also felt it.
During this investigation, people in the group sensed a tightness in the
room (the energy). Ronda and I worked together and I was able to
channel information about the male ghost that died here. I learned that
his name was Andrew Lyons. He was a merchant and he managed the barges
that went up and down the Patapasco River. Horses were then used to drag
the lumber to the mansion. He came to the Belmont Manor to sell timber
as they were building a barn, That's where he experienced a heart attack
and was brought up to that bedroom where he passed away. However, his
ghost never left and remains griumpy because he couldn't contact his
family. Of course, if he crossed over, he would have joined them by
Greg demonstrating the Ghost Box |
4) Ghost Box - At
the end of the investigations the three teams met back in the main
meeting room for a demonstration of the ghost box. The ghost box is
basically a radio that scans all stations and stops for an instant on a
station to highlight a word, in response to a question asked by an
investigator. It works because ghosts have the ability to manipulate
electronic things to give messages.
There were a
lot of great questions from people in our group and it was an amazing
experience to get confirmation of details from the little girl's ghost.
For information about the Belmont programs contact: Cathy Allen at or
Mary Venske at Phone 410-313-4632.
To learn more about how ghosts and spirits check out the book "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead" by author/medium/paranormal investigator Rob Gutro. Available on in e-book and paperback