Go to www.BarbMallon.com or EMAIL office@barbmallon.com PHONE: (o) 703.474.2227
Thurs., June 11
7:30pm - 9:00pm

Have you ever wondered what those repetitive numbers mean? This 90 minute beginners class will put you on the path of paying attention to those license plates, birthdays and addresses!
In this webinar, we will learn
-what numerology is
-the general meaning of the numbers
-the master numbers
-what a path of life number is and how to determine it
-what your name number is and how to determinie it
-what your year number is and how to determine it
-repetitive numbers and what they mean
Click HERE to register or for more info!
Sun., June 14, 2015
12:30 - 4:30pm
Chantilly, VA
FOUR Seats Left!

Use your abilities to help create strong business relationships and personal relationships, OR use them to help others with guidance and information through intuitive readings.
When we listen to our psychic abilities, things tend to fall right into place. This is because we don't fight with our intuition/Higher Self/Guides - we let them guide us. When we have that "knowing" or "feeling" that we shouldn't do this or that, but then go out of our way to make it work for us anyway, we tend to find ourselves on that circle of being stuck rather than on a spiral of growth.
The workshop is intentionally kept small and intimate to ensure plenty of personal coaching by Barb.
Do these questions sound familiar?
- Why does this always happen to me?
- Why do I always find myself in this mess?
- Why do I always choose the wrong person?
- Why can't I figure out what I want to do with my life?
- How can I find out the names of my spirit guides?
- How can I receive better guidance from them?
Sat, July 18, 2015
1pm - 4pm
Chantilly, VA 

Such a fun class to teach! This is a very small and intimate class of only six students so as not to overwhelm the animals and to be able to coach students more easily.
This beginner class features easy to follow instructions on how to communicate with your animal companions! Animals WANT to communicate with their humans, we just need to learn how to listen on their terms... not ours.
Some of what you will learn:
-How to prepare your body and environment for communication
-How animals communicate with us
-How we can communicate to animals
-How to receive and give the info obtained
-The main steps to communicating
.... and more!
-How to receive and give the info obtained
-The main steps to communicating
.... and more!
We will be doing practice readings for each other, so bring a picture of your animals!